Chapter 12

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Yumi's POV

Before I had a chance to catch up on what's going on, William threw his sword at me, which scraped past my arm, which immediately started bleeding. I look at my arm and then back at William, who had already started charging and was getting ready to kick me, which he did, making me tumble over and fall. He put his foot on my stomach and looked at me with an evil smirk all over his face. For a moment I see the real William then the Xana William is back.

"NO! William you can't do this. How did Xana get you?" I ask him confused more than ever. I knew it was going to be wrong to bring him to the group, not that we ever did. Just then, when he least expected it I kicked him in the stomach and ran for my life. My arm was bleeding more than ever and my vision was blurring more and more with every step I take. I crashed into Ulrich on the way and he looks shocked at my state.

"How did this happen?" He asks as he supports me to stand up.

"Xana's got William again and I have no idea why." I say groaning in pain as Ulrich accidently touches my arm. "And..." I point my finger behind me. Ulrich must have seen him as his expression changed.


"No time for that! MOVE!" I say as I run pulling him along me as he was too shocked that he stayed looking behind him at William. How did Xana virtualized him on earth as a spectre? I think as I run and grab Ulrich into the cafeteria to see Odd there. Oh what a surprise?

"Hey! What are you guys doing...?” Before he could say anything else Ulrich ran and covered his mouth.

"Ssshhhh!" He whispers as we all hide under the table in the cafeteria. We see William walk away from us through the window and when we were sure he was gone, I called Jeremy up.

"Jeremy! Be careful. It's William on earth possessed in his Lyoko costume and also he's heading right towards the factory." I say quickly before heading for the factory as well.

"I'll take care of William." Ulrich says.

"Ulrich but..." I start but interrupted by Odd.

"Ulrich's right. You're badly injured as it is and you'd be better off to Lyoko. Don't worry. I'll help Ulrich."

"No. You might be needed on Lyoko."

"Don't argue Ulrich. You know very well that the chances of you defeating William are low especially since you aren't in your Lyoko form and don't have your Lyoko weapons. Besides if Xana attacks in 12 hours we'll be able to use the machine for the two of us."

"Ok Ok! I got it!" Ulrich says as he and Odd run off behind William, while I take another way to the factory.

Third person's POV

The elevator behind Jeremy opened and out popped in Yumi's face, which was bleeding as hell and he could make out a bruise that had started to appear.

"William..." Yumi says answering his question without having him to question her.

"Get in the scanners. Aelita's already down." He says as he starts typing again. When Yumi got down, Aelita's face was also in shock. She told her it was William as they both got in the scanners.

Back on Earth, Ulrich attacks William from behind and leaves William in pain. That stings. William got out his sword and attacks Odd and Ulrich with his energy waves. Ulrich and Odd sting in pain as William gets up to do what he came to do.

On Lyoko things were going well. Yumi had managed to defeat 2 Krabs out of anger and as William was on earth, there was nothing that could stop Aelita deactivating the tower soon. On the computer Jeremy finds Ulrich calling to which he picks up.

“Jeremy! Are you nearly deactivating the tower? Things are getting tough here.”

“Don’t worry! It’s a piece of cake.” Jeremy says as he shuts the call and warns the girls about the megatanks behind them.

On the other hand on earth things were going really bad. Ulrich and Odd had fainted and William had moved closer to his target. Odd opened his eyes open and notice Ulrich beside him. He got some water from the tap nearby and sprayed it on his face. He woke up immediately. As soon as they got up they searched for William until they found him in a nearby room. They looked through the glass, which left their mouths hanging open. Ulrich calls Jeremy.

“Jeremy! We know what Xana’s target is?” He says as they duck to hide so William doesn’t notice them.


Done! I hope you liked it. Sorry for no updates for a long time. Here goes the question.

Which season did you like the best? (I liked the last season (season 4) because the fight got more serious and new things were invented like the Skid, Kolossus.)

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