Chapter 25

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Jeremy looked exhausted. he had been trying to get into contact with Aelita for ages and still had no luck.

"Any luck?" Ulrich asks as he enters the lab.

"No!" Jeremy says still typing in his computer. A alert signal goes off.

"Xana has activated a tower. Head for the scanners." He orders the Lyoko Warriors. Yumi heads for the machine to be transformed into Aelita so she can deactivate the tower.

Once they are all virtualized on Lyoko They head for the tower but suddenly Odd is shot and he falls abruptly off his overboard.

"Be careful Odd!" Jeremy warns panicking.

"Jeremy!" Yumi says suspiciously.

"What is it?"

"It looks a little too easy."

"You're right. It does."

On Lyoko Yumi walks slowly towards the tower. As she comes near the tower she puts her hand on it. Instead of her hand going through the tower it stays flat on the surface of the tower.

"Jeremy! I think I know what Xana's attack is." Yumi says looking worried.

"I know. I can see." After a few minutes of typing Jeremy hears an alert signal.

"Guys monsters incoming. Defend your position until I figure out the solution." Jeremy says as Odd, Yumi and Ulrich get into their defense position getting their weapons out.

"I'll take care of the Kankralots and you guys can take care of the tarantulas." Odd says just as Yumi and Ulrich abruptly say "no".

"What!" Odd says not having a clue about their fight.

"I'll take care of the Kankralots. You and Ulrich can handle the tarantulas." Yumi says giving Ulrich a bitter glance. Odd knew that if they were on earth Yumi's eyes would be in tears right now but they weren't.

"As you say..." Odd says heading towards a army of tarantulas.

Yumi swipes her hand to get wings out and flies towards the Kankralots, who make a good attempt to shoot her but Yumi successfully dodges all the bullets. Now she knew it was her turn. She holds her hand in front of her trying hard to imagine a energy field and hurls it towards the Kankralots. It managed to kill three of them in a row. Despite the fact she was in Aelita's character Her anger was increasing her success in this battle between the Kankralots and her. She could see nothing but Aelita and Ulrich's face kissing where ever the Kankralots were. By now her anger had got the best of her and she could feel the heat on her cheeks even though this was impossible as Lyoko is a virtual world. She hurled her two energy fields out to kill the last Kankralot remaining but then suddenly the Kankralots shape shifted into Ulrich. Before she could stop herself the energy field flew but fortunately Ulrich saw it on time and defended himself using his sword. He didn't say anything because he knew the anger she feels towards him at the moment and saying anything would make the whole situation worse itself. Suddenly behind them they hear Odds scream as he is devirtualized by the tarantula that decided to play it unfair and shoot him from his back. Ulrich got back to work fighting the tarantulas and Yumi decided to stand at the side and decide to watch him instead of help. As she did so she thought about the kissing incident again. Why would Ulrich betray her like that? In all her life she never thought he would do something like that. Maybe she should go talk to him. Shy thinks that maybe...just maybe he might have a good enough reason behind it. What was she thinking about? There's no way she'd ever see Ulrich and Aelita as friends anymore.

Suddenly she heard Ulrich screaming. She looked at where he was. He was hanging for his life near the digital sea. She started running towards the digital sea where Ulrich was hanging. Just as his hand was about to slip, she grabbed his hand and save him. She tried pulling him up but that didn't work as the tarantulas were shooting Yumi in the back.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2015 ⏰

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