Chapter 8

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12 Hours Later

Aelita's POV

Beep Beep Beep! My phone was ringing like hell and I finally decided to pick it up.

"Xana's launched an attack. Meet you at the factory." Jeremy says in the phone. I don't see Emily lying on her bed. Where is she? Her phone rang and I checked to find that it was a text saying ' You know what to do." Oh That is definitely Odd. I groan in tiredness and get up and head towards the factory. As I get there, I see Yumi and Ulrich fighting a spectre. I head towards the scanner when I remember an important thing.

"Jeremy!" I say to him looking shocked. "How...How is this possible?" I ask him more curious then ever.

As long as we know Xana cannot activate a tower within 24 hours, and only 12 hours have gone by so how did he manage to activate the tower in 12 hours. The only reason is that he has gone stronger. On top of that we cannot virtualize ourselves to Lyoko because we have to wait at least 24 hours to be virtualized onto lyoko back again, so how on earth are we going to take care of this spectre all by ourselves for another 12 hours.

"Aelita don't worry. I can send one person to Lyoko by activating a tower on Lyoko from earth. Just be careful" Jeremy says the same time, I breath a sigh of relief. Jeremy began to type in the keyboard.

"Ouchh!" Yumi screamed behind me as she got hit by the spectre. He was about to attack Ulrich now when I gave him a electricity shock by breaking the wire that he was touching.

"That oughta hold him for a minute or 2" I say as Yumi and Ulrich get ready to carry the spectre and lock him up in the room downstairs. Unfortuanately for them the spectre woke up and hit them with a spark of electricity.

"Don't you dare hurt my friends?" I say bringing my foot around in a circle tripping him up succussfully. Yess! he got up and looked angry. Uh oh! Next thing I knew I was lying down beside Yumi and Ulrich. Am I forgetting someone? Odd. Where is he? he can still be virtualized as he wasn't in our last mission.

"I don't know! He hasn't been picking up his phone." Jeremy responded while I reliazed that I had said my thoughts out loud. What if he's in trouble? Just then I heard a beep beep beep.

"Got it!" Jeremy says. "Activating tower! Head for the scanners Aelita." I head for the scanners and I get Virtualized to Lyoko in the forest sector. The overwing appeared in front of me to which I got on and headed towards the direction of the tower just as a hornet nearly hits me. I fly towards a solid tree and just as I get close to it I fly around it causing two of the hornets to crash and devirtualize. Bingo!

"Energy Field!" I say destroying a another hornet.

"I see the tower Jeremy, and it's well guarded by a tarantula." I say as I aproach the tower.

"Ouch!" I say as I get hit by the tarantula in front of the tower.

"OH NO!" I hear Jeremy say as I hide behind a  tree from the tarantula and at the same time I destroy the last hornet that was attacking. Only the Tarantula to go now.

"What happened?"

"Xana's attacking the tower I just activated. If it gets destroyed it means..." Jeremy was interrupted by me. "it means I am going to disappear forever." I finished his sentence.

"How could I be that careless?" Jeremy says.

"It's not your fault!" I reply. "Where's the tower?"

"All the way in the ice sector. It'll take you forever Aelita and you've already lost half your life points. A few more hits and you disappear forever. Find a hiding place for now. I have got an idea. Yumi take care of the computer...." I heard him say.

No one's POV

Jeremy was ready. He had to do this.

"I am ready Yumi." He says.

"Okay I have to get this right. Transfer Jeremy...Scanner Jeremy....Vertialization!" Yumi says tapping keys on the keyboard. 

"Jeremy are you there?" Yumi asks. No reply.

"JEREMY! OH NO!" Yumi blames herself for this and curses just then she hears, "Chill I am here in the ice sector. Wow! I love my powers." She heard Jeremy say. Yess! Jeremy is on Lyoko.

"Ouch!" Ulrich moans in pain by getting hit by the spectre behind Yumi.

"Yumi What happenned?" Aelita asks. 

"Jeremy's on Lyoko. He's taking care of the tower, now go and deactivate the tower ahead Aelita and get us out of this misery." Yumi says as she screams as the spectre grabs her by the neck after attacking Ulrich. Just when she thought her life is over the spectre dissapears, and soon Jeremy and Aelita walk into the labouratory.

"So How do you look like on Lyoko?" Yumi and Ulrich ask Jeremy.

"Surprise! You'll see when I go to Lyoko next time, which I assume will be very soon as our friend xana has became more powerful and out of hands now." Jeremy says. " For now I'll just have to find a way to materialize you within 12 hours."

"Do you mean to say he wasn't out of hands before?" Yumi jokes.

Jeremy yawns and they all say bye and return back to their dorms to sleep. On the way they meet Odd.

"Where were you Odd?" They all ask at the same time.

"Emily..." He replies but was interrupted by the rest of them, "Oh." They head back to their rooms to go to sleep, and what they'll do about xana is a problem, they'll probably solve the next morning.

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