Chapter 7

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I did  a long chapter and thx for voting and following. Don't forget to READ, VOTE, COMMENT AND FOLLOW! Also if you would be kind enough to comment when there is a spelling error or grammer and tell me so that I can correct it. Thanks guys. You're the best.

Aelita's POV

"Jeremy. Xana has launched an attack. We need to turn the supercomputer back on now." I say sounding more tensed then ever.

"That's not possible." Yumi says behind her in the laboratory.

"Well I vote, that we check in case." Ulrich says. "I don't understand why Aelita would want to lie."

Odd whistles and winks at Ulrich. Ulrich gives him the death stare.

"Are you crazy? we are not turning that horrible machine again." Says Yumi rasing her voice.

"We have no choice." Jeremy says and walks toward the lift with the rest of us following him.

When we get to the supercomputer room, Jeremy says, "Are you all ready?" To which we all nod at. Jeremy looks at the handle for a few moments then he looks down to the floor.

"Need any help." I say and put my hand on the handle and everybody else follows.

"Let's turn it on." Odd says to which we all pull the handle up together.

"And I thought it was all over..." Yumi says to which we all smile at.

"Together we will defeat Xana..." Ulrich says. We will. We wll beat him together.

All of us went upstairs to check on the computer whether Xana has launched an attack. Beep! Beep! Beep! We all heard the signal that showed us that xana has launched an attack. I knew I was right.

"Head for the scanners. Ice sector is where you're heading." Jeremy says just as he gets struck by lightning by the bald man, whom is possessed by xana. 

"I'll handle him. Go on." Odd says as he kicks the bald man right in the stomach.

"Transfer Yumi, Transfer Ulrich, Transfer Aelita, Scanner Yumi, Scanner Ulrich, Scanner Aelita, Virtualization!" Jeremy says as I am being transferred to Lyoko.

"Ouch!" I said as I got hit by a hornet.

"Jeremy you landed us right in a middle of a party." Ulrich says getting his two sabers out to dodge the hornet's attack. 

"Sorry! It will take time for me to get used to this." Jeremy says.

"HIIIYYYAAA!" Yumi screamed throwing her fans and it hit Ulrich accidently.

"Ouch Watch it." Ulrich says.

"Sorry!" Yumi says while shrugging.

"Oh Xana. We are still more powerful than you. Energy Field." I say throwing a enery field at the megatank, who tried attacking me.

"Learn your lessan yet?" I said winking at the megatank who attacks me yet again but I dodge by getting my wings out. 

"Guess not." I say attacking yet again. I see Yumi hanging at the edge of the cliff for her dear life, while a hornet tries attacking her. She defends getting her fans out and throwing it destroying the hornet successfully. Her grip loosens and she falls landing on the overwing that Jeremy materialised just in time.

"Ouch!" I moan in pain getting hit by a megatank. I curse at myself for being so careless.

"Two more hits and it's all over for you Aelita." Jeremy warns in time.

"Okay!" I say getting hit once more and my wings go down. Ulrich gets on his overbike and says, "Jump on Princess." I respond to him by doing a cartwheel and getting on his overbike.

"Did you just do that?" Ulrich asked.

"Yes. Yumi taught me during the summer." I say proud of myself learning quick.

"You learn quick. Lucky you." Ulrich says to which I reply. "Thanks." We get to the tower and see two tarantulas in front of the tower.

"One for each of us." Ulrich says stopping the overbike for me to get off.

"Things are getting worse. I am going to go help Odd. Looks like he's in trouble and needs help as I can see from my camera." Jeremy says.

"Triplicate." she says and soon there are three Ulrichs. 

"Energy Field!" I say aiming for the monster but failing to hit correctly. I hear Ulrich getting devertialised. Oh no.

"Jeremy how many lifepoints do I have?" I ask him.

"30! Oh Aelita don't do what I think you're going to do."

"I so am." I used my creativity power to build a ice wall around my monster to keep him occupied for a few seconds while I see a Tessan fan hit the xana symbol on the other tarantula. Bingo.

"RUN!" Yumi shouts and I do just that and only when I am a few inches away the tarantula broke through my ice wall and started shooting but missed. I get my hands out and got inside the tower.

Back on Earth!

Odd kicked the bald man as hard as he could but he just dodged and kicked Odd back just as hard.

"AWWW! Odd moaned loudly in pain. The bald man had a spark of electricity in his hand and was about to shoot when Jeremy hit him from the back and the bald man fainted.

"Run!" Jeremy says to which Odd follows and runs for his life but the bald man wakes up and attacks Odd and Jeremy at the same time.

"OUCH!" They both screm in agony. The electricity hit them again and they both were having trouble breathing. Suddenly familiar black smoke came out of the bald man's ears and he fainted on the spot. Odd and Jeremy just layed back down with a 'thump' sound and closed their eyes.

"Just in time." Jeremy says, to which Odd nods at.

"I guess we don't need a return to the past do we?" Odd asked to which Jeremy replied 'no' to. After a few minutes they returned to the Labourtory to find the rest of the gang there.

"Mission complete!" Yumi said highfiving Aelita, who stood there smiling. Ulrich yawns. They all head back to get shouted by Jim probably for missing classes.

"Jeremy." Aelita calls Jeremy before they part ways to their dorms.

"So xana's back....I just wanted to ask...what about William? Is he going to fight and help us or not?" Aelita asks curious.

"Probably not. Lets just not tell him. We spent ages trying to get him back and we don't want xana to take control of him again." Jeremy explains.

"Okay!" Aelita says and heads back to her room to change for Gym.

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