"Evan this isn't okay he took you on a date you felt uncomfortable on, not to mention if he knew you at all he would know that you don't actually like red roses that you much prefer white, he's barley even trying to get to know you and do things you actually want to do" Bell ranted.

"Bell like I said it doesn't matter I didn't want to be with him in the first place this will just prove that we shouldn't be mates or dating or whatever"

I went into my room grabbing a random spell book and my notebook.

"Evie were are you going?" Bell called after me when I reached the door.

"You have to get to class and while your at class I'm going to practice some spells I will not have another kidnapping incident" I said.

I walk to the forest and go a ways in far enough that people won't see me. Opening the book I started practicing making notes in my notebook to simplify the spell to help Bell and sort out any unimportant info. My dad explained that these books weren't complete thoughts they are the original book from a long time ago when magic was just starting out so a lot of the information is unnecessary and confusing according to my mother. He had also said that she has been meaning to sort out and get rid of the useless information just never got around to it. So I'm doing it for her.

After a while I was to tired to move. My white shirt now pretty much drenched in sweat and sticking to my skin my joggers trapping all my body heat in making me sweat more. I pulled my phone out checking the time 3:02PM I've been out her for like four hours. I groaned and sat up slowly I collected my things.

I looked around the forest was quiet a little too quiet and it was starting to scare me. I started to leave moving faster when I heard a snap. I looked around nothing seemed out of place well except the silence. I started walking back again when another snap. I whipped my head around to the direction on the sound and saw some leaves shake. I was about to take another step when I heard a growl. I turned around and there in front of me was a large mocha brown wolf. I looked around when I heard more rustling only to see more wolves emerge all different shades of brown. I heard popping and cracking and in front of me was a very tall, very big, very naked man.

"So what do we have here" the naked man said his voice cracking "I saw what you were doing and I have to ask how someone can do all those things"

I kept quiet watching my surrounding carefully. Waiting for one of them to make a move.

"I'll ask again how can someone make trees grow from the dirt, summon fire from thin air, water form nothing, and command the wind with their mind?" the man said his voice getting darker with every word.

I counted about three wolves plus the naked man so four.

"Do you know how to talk or are you just being difficult" the man sneered.

Suddenly a light brown wolf jumped at me from behind. I whipped around and shot a fire ball at him causing him the be thrown back he grunted as he hit the ground but rolled around on the ground when he saw he was on fire. The other wolves were about to pounce when...

"Don't hurt her she can help us" the naked man yelled. "You" he said pointing to me "are a witch and you are going to help us or die."

Mustering up all the courage I had " Even if I was a witch which I'm not what makes you think I'd help you"

"You literally just shot a fire from your hand my friend has the burn marks to prove it I'm not stupid and like I said you won't die if you help me destroy the Night Walker pack most importantly Alpha Ian Walker"

My eyes widened. Oh my goodness Ian!

"Ah so you've heard of them despite claiming to be human" the guy smiled.

The Wolf and The WitchWhere stories live. Discover now