Chapter 2 Part 2: Allies

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Ness kept on walking. Even though he didn't sleep through the night he just needed to keep going. Before the Reaper struck again.
He was so TIRED!

Ness was pretty much dragging himself along, and he kept falling asleep every 2 minutes and waking up. He was also attempting to keep one eye open towards the swamp forest to the West in case of danger, and to the North which held a fast moving stream that was his last obstacle before he was in the safe haven. He just had to make it. The Mii city of Alpaca was in front of him. Just a few more miles through the field.


Ness jumped at the sudden loud noise that came from the left of him. The noise triggered his fight or flight response, and somehow, he began sprinting towards the city. While he was running, he tripped on a loose rock, barreling him into the stream.

"GAHH!" Ness shouted as the stream swept him away with it, like Ness was nothing but a rag doll. Ness couldn't even resist, as his body was not expecting the freezing cold water, and froze, figuratively and literally.
Ness tried to look in the direction he was being swept away, but his vision was blurred out from the water.
Suddenly, Ness dropped. He screamed as he fell down from the stream's waterfall. He was reaching the ground quick and he had to stop his impact. Luckily, through a trick he learned from Mario, he was able to double jump before he hit the water, which would've been fatal. Yet he jumped too early and hit the ground hard, forcing an oof out of him.

Rebalancing himself, Ness was able to stand up, and when he did examined his surroundings.
He was in some sort of Canyon. Worst still, in the area he was in, it was preparing to rain. Fortunately, he spotted a cave just on the other side of the Canyon where he could rest.

After making it there it began to drizzle. That Drizzle became a downpour, then that downpour became a full on storm.
Ness couldn't stay where he was because his location would drench him in rain. So he decided to venture further into the cave, when he saw a light. Going further, he spotted something strange. In the corner of the tunnel's dead end was a ship. One that, despite best efforts, wouldn't be able to fly. A strange glowing liquid was protruding from an engine. As Ness went forward however, a foreign sound made Ness go on the alert.
A pebble. That fell down from a boulder.
"Hello?" Ness said in an uneasy voice.
"I don't want to hurt you, I just need help. Please."

Ness fell back as a shadow on the boulder moved, sending its wings into flying mode.
As Ness looked up, his eyes met the shadow's, and Ness could make out two big yellow eyes.

"Hgggnnh!" Orange shouted in a fit of strength as she hoisted the armor up.
Honestly, she was just glad Samus didn't smack her. She took out a towel and began cleaning the mud spots and buffed out some of the dents.
Samus came out, rubbing her head to calm down the headache she had.
After Orange finished, Samus climbed into the armor.
"Ok. I have to go now"
"And I'm coming with you" Orange proclaimed
"Not a chance" Samus replied
Orange frowned. "Why not? You're gonna need me to buff and clean that armor if you get into trouble!"
"It's not that." Samus replied
"It's too dangerous to come along with me"
"Danger is my middle name!" Orange insisted
"Well...Danger and "Cala" and! I've had tons of target practice!"
Samus sighed. She walked two steps forward before she stopped and snapped her fingers, and made a gesture to Orange to follow her.
Cheerfully, Orange ran up to her and as soon as she did, they began walking.
"So! What are you gonna do in Alpaca?" Orange asked
"I'm gonna phone some friends at the Mii Embassy, I have to take down the Reaper."
Samus replied
"This Reaper guy sounds tough tho! Do you think you can take him down?"
"I don't know. But I have to try." Samus replied
"Well let's play a game while we're moving! Ok, how about I Spy? You have to figure out something I see, by the color I say!"
Samus smiled "Sure"
"Ok! I spy with my eyes, something...Orange!"
"Is it you?" Samus asked
"Gah! How did you get that?! Ok, ok, ok! I spy something else Orange with my eyes"
"My armor" Samus playfully said
"Wow! You're really good!" Orange said in legitimate awe.
"Thanks. I'm a natural." Samus laughed, her headache disappearing.

Isabelle yawned. She was really tired. Ever since the Mayor left for the Smash tournament she's gotten double the paperwork they would usually get. She would spend her nights at her desk with the lamp she has shined on the paper in front of her. She also had to hold a fishing contest at 5:00. She looked at the clock. It was only 1:00. She then looked at the window. It was super cloudy. As she got back to finishing her literal mountain of paperwork, she felt a vibration.
She stopped writing and listened. Another vibration. Isabelle looked at the cup of water she had for herself. There was another vibration, sending ripples of water across the cup as if something was dropped in it.
"What could that possibly be?" She asked out loud.
Isabelle jumped off her chair and out the front door, where she saw many villagers running away from something coming over the mountain.

It was a thick cloud of black.

She stared at it for some time now, and saw something emerge from it. It was a skeleton, with a robe and a giant scythe. She began running herself, and when the the Skeleton landed she saw the true horror of the creature. It began slashing her villagers with its scythe, sending their ghosts out and absorbing them into a green gem around its neck. Everyone began running towards the trains, filling them up and sending them one on their way. K.K. Slider, Blathers, The Able Sisters, Cyrus and Reese, Timmy and Tommy, and Tom Nooks were able to safely get on a train as well, much to the relief of Isabelle. Isabelle was now the last soul in the town. As the Reaper got closer though, the last train was forced to depart, stranding her. She stepped back as the Reaper got closer to her near the tracks.
"Who are you?" Isabelle asked nervously

"I'm the rightful God of this world"
The Reaper spoke in a very deep voice.
"This land is rightfully mine and I will not stop till every inch of this earth is under my control"
Isabelle couldn't move. She was stuck in place. But she looked around and spotted a hand car slightly off the tracks. She also remembered she kept a smoke ball in her pocket for defense purposes, and began forming a plan.

"But enough of this! I sense a very strong aura from you" The Reaper abruptly said "and the only way to get it is to kill you!" it shouted in its deep, scratchy voice. Isabelle, working on instinct, snatched the smoke ball from her pocket, and before the Reaper could swing his scythe, she threw it at its face.
The Reaper yelled as it tried to fan away the smoke from its eyes. Isabelle then jumped on the tracks, brought the handcar onto the tracks that were heading East, and with all her strength, began pumping the handle up and down, propelling the cart forward. She made it onto the cliff side when she heard the Reaper scream in fury. It began tearing the tracks apart and the stations, in its fury. After a couple minutes it finally stopped.
Using its hands, it spewed strange black-like orbs around the ground, which manifested into villager clones, completely black and green.
"Secure this area" the Reaper commanded to one of the clones, which in response, nodded its head with loyalty.

Isabelle was moving fast. She didn't want to stop. She was scared. She got out of there by the fur on her paws, and she was gonna keep moving.

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