Hiatus Update Numero 3

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Hey Guys. Squishy here. I'm sorry for what's going on. I told you guys Chapter 6 was gonna come out by the end of April or beginning of May, and once again, I failed to reach a deadline. That was when nothing big was going on in my life, and I could focus on that. But a couple of weeks ago, my uncle who was a father figure to me for my early life, had to be sent to the hospital due to heart problems. As such I haven't been able to work on the chapter for some time. Another thing is the surprise. I don't want to hype it up to the point where people would be absolutely disappointed by what is was, or just hated from where it came from. . So if you don't want to know what the surprise, you can skip this part. You'll know because I'm putting the spoiler in italics.

Here it comes👇👇👇👇👇

The Surprise is a voice acted musical part. It parodies a song from The Greatest Showman

Anyways yeah. I just don't want y'all to think that it's this big anime animated scene(although that would be awesome I don't have that budget). Now I promise you Chapter 6 will come soon. I promise not delay it anymore. Thank you all for waiting and I'll see you all in Chapter 6.

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