Alana Mclaren

20 2 10

Powers: Telekinesis, Shape Shifting, Teleportation, Telepathy, Precognition

Date: Wednesday, August 31st

Time: 7:46 pm

Location: Clubhouse


My world was upside down. Kitty was gone. She was never coming back. 

Thoughts clogged up my head like a traffic jam. I could breathe. I couldn't speak. I couldn't move. I couldn't think straight. I could do anything. 

My ears were ringing. I could barely make out Noah's voice calling my name. I felt myself being shaken. Another tear dripped down my cheek. I could make out Riley's red hair. She had curled up on the bed with the lifeless love of her life. 

"Alana!" I was shaken again. I continued to stare at the bed.

And just like that, my head was empty. Anything and everything that was there was gone. Then I was falling back. I saw the ceiling for a split second. Then I saw nothing. 

My ears rang out into nothing and my eyes shot open. But it didn't feel like they were open. Everything around me was black and dark. I took a deep breath in and stood up. I looked at myself. I was all there. 

"Alana!" I heard Noah's voice behind me and it echoed all around me. I spun around seeing nothing. But hearing so much.

"Noah!" I cried, continuing to spin and search for him. Then I saw him. He was shaking my body. I wasn't waking up. "Noah!" 

I ran to him and reached out for him. His body disappeared into dust and then he was gone. 

I screamed and stood up. "Noah!" I sobbed and collapsed back to the ground. I began to heave and I couldn't breath again. 

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around. What I saw seemed too good to be true. 

"K-Kitty?" I looked up into her deep brown eyes. My hand hesitantly reached out to her, afraid that she would disappear. She didn't.

I pulled myself into her arms. "Please don't go Kitty, please." I sobbed into her shoulder. I could smell her. I could feel her. It was really her.

"I have to." She said. Her voice seemed distant.

"Why?" I pulled out of the hug but kept her in my arms. 

"I just have to." She looked down. "But you have to get back."

"Why?"  I lifted her chin and looked into her watery eyes. 

"If you stay too long you wont make it back. You will be too far gone." Her voice was urgent and full of worry. 

"Alana you have to go." Another voice came from behind me. 

I spun around and what I saw brought a fountain of tears to my already sobbing eyes. Mia stood before me. Youthful, healthy, alive. 

I was speechless. I grabbed her and pulled her into my arms. I squeezed her. 

"I love you so much Alana." Mia whispered into my ear. "I've been watching over you. I gave you my power."

I sobbed into her. "I miss you so much. Thank you." 

"You're so good, Lana." She whispered. "You will beat this thing."  

I pulled away from the hug and nodded. 

One by one from behind her, they all appeared. 

Skyler. Jackey. Tyrone. 

Halfway Human Book 3// InfectionWhere stories live. Discover now