Leiah Schnapp

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Power: Electric Manipulation

Date: Thursday, July 26th

Time: 10:30 am

Location: The Schnapp Household

Summer Vacation.


I crawled out of bed to hear voices in the kitchen. I furrowed my eyebrows, and the only answer I could find to the voices were that Mom and Noah were cooking.

But it didn't sound like Noah, and Noah had slept over at Alan's house.

Things just didn't add up.

I fixed my hair in the Jack and Jill bathroom between my room and Noah's.

I opened the door and little, and Noah's room was still as he had left it. The bed was made and his desk was a mess.

I slowly closed the door and heard a booming laugh come from the kitchen.

Then I heard my mother's small, calm voice say, "Be quiet, you're going to was Leiah up." She giggled as she spoke.

I was beyond confused at this point.

I walked back into my room and then out into the hall.

The voices had stopped and I walked into the kitchen to find a tall man with messy, ear length hair and a stubble beard kissing the back of my Mom's neck as she stirred eggs.

My mother's hair was clipped back into a bun and she was wearing a t-shirt and shorts.

The man was in sweatpants and a t-shirt.

"Who is that?" I said, stopping before I entered the kitchen. I peered at him cautiously.

"Leiah, honey, this is Tom," She smiled back at him and he removed his hands from her hips. "He is my boyfriend."

I crossed my arms and gave him a authoritive glare.

"Hey there, sweetie," Tom gave a side smile.

"Don't call me sweetie." I walked to the pantry and grabbed bread and put it in the toaster.

"How about squirt?" He laughed a little.

"Lana is the only one who can call me Squirt," I continued facing away from him as I grabbed the jam from the fridge.

"Okay, then what do you think," He sat on the island and my mom placed a pan on the stove and turned it on.

"How bout you call me Leiah," I looked back at him, my fist squeezing my butter knife tightly.

"Okay, that sounds good," He nodded and hopped off the counter.

My toast popped up and I pulled it out of the toaster. I spread jam on it and put it on a plate.

"Do you want eggs, Leiah?" My mom asked from the stove.

"No," I began walking back to my room, then stopped before completely disappearing. "When's Noah coming home?"

"Him and Alana are going to lunch," My mom smiled softly, "So not for a while."

I sighed and left and heard then continue their conversation.

"Who's Alana?" I heard him ask.

"Noah's girlfriend," My mom replied, "We've known her for years, they only recently started dating."

I closed my door before I could hear any more of their conversation.

I sat on my bed and bit my lip.

Halfway Human Book 3// InfectionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant