Chapter Thirty-three

Start from the beginning

And he wanted her? It didn't make sense, but she wasn't going to argue with it. All she could hope was that she'd be enough for him. People always talked about how men weren't meant to be monogamists. No. Maria shook her head. She wasn't going to allow negative thoughts to bombard her tonight. Her mind needed to shut up and go to bed.

He looked up at her. "Whatcha thinking?"

"About us," she replied, letting her palm rest on his cheek. He was still warm, sweat gleaming on his forehead.

"Good things or bad?"

"Just how surprised I am that you'd pick someone like me."

"I don't think you realize how amazing you are. Do I have to count all the ways that you astound me?"

Maria blushed. "I'm just little old me."

"Okay, that does it." Caleb picked her up off the couch and threw her over his shoulder, lugging her down the hall to the bedroom. "I can see I have my work cut out for me." He tossed her on the bed and Maria giggled as she bounced. His eyes dropped to her jiggling breasts. "First on the list, you are like an exotic creature emerging from its cocoon, and I get the best seat in the house to watch."

Maria scrunched up her nose. "A creature, eh? That makes me think of a monster."

He ignored her comment and continued, "You are more courageous than any woman I know."


He crawled onto the bed and placed a finger over her lips as he straddled her. "Shush, I'm talking. I'm not going to let you out of this bed until you believe your worth."

"That might be a bit tricky. I need to go to work tomorrow."

"Call in sick."

"That would be nice, but I really do have to go in first thing in the morning," she said, moaning as his fingers probed her most needy spot. She didn't think that her body would ever tire of becoming one with his.

"I guess I should let you sleep then eh," he commented, rubbing her clit.

"I suppose, but my goodness that feels good."

"Okay." He rolled off her, landing on his side of the bed.

"Hey!" she complained. "You weren't supposed to stop."

"Well, the next move is yours," he said, placing his hands behind his head.

Maria glanced down at his sleeping cock. "I think he has a mind of his own right now."

"I'm sure he'll wake up again with a little persuasion."

Her body was starting to ache as she stared at his manhood resting between his legs. She never spent much time looking at guys before. She wasn't a porn type of girl, so she wasn't sure exactly how small or big guys usually were, but his was just right and filled her in ways she could have only dreamed of.

Maria glanced at the clock, it was already 1:30am, and she had to be up in 4 hours. "As much as I would love to spend time arousing you again, I really should get some sleep." Her job required her to be awake and alert and that wasn't something she'd be if she allowed herself to fall into his arms again, as much as she wanted to.

Opening his arms, Maria moved into them. "I hear ya, darling. I've gotta go into my shop early too. Get it ready to sell."

Cuddling up next to him, she ran her fingers across his chest. "Are you sure that's what you want to do? I know you love helping couples find their spark again."

"After everything that has happened, I need a change. I'm going to talk to my dad about going into the business with him."

"What does he do?"

"He flips houses."

"Like you see on those television shows?" She loved housing shows, especially Property Brothers.


"Did you used to help him?"

"When I was a teen, ya."

"What stopped you?"

"I wanted to be in charge of my own life, not live under the shadow of my father for the rest of my life."

Maybe that was kind of why she dove into writing a BDSM book, it was as far as she could get from her parents' values. She understood the need to be your own person, follow your own road, but eventually the road tends to find its way back.

"Whatever you want to do, I'll support you."

"I'm going to give it a try with him and see how it goes. He's getting tired now, and I don't want all his hard work to go to waste."

"You're a good son, Caleb," Maria said kissing his cheek. "I know my parents are going to love you."

That hasn't really been his experience in the past, but he kept that to himself. Most parents looked down on him the minute he said what he did for a living. After the first few rejections, he knew better than to meet any parents, especially when the girls were only his subs.

But he held his tongue and just gave her a kiss on the forehead. "That's up for debate."

"Maybe I should keep you in this bed for the same reason until you know your worth, too."

"Then neither you nor I would ever show up to work again because this bed is exactly where I want to be with you."

"Seems your part finally agrees with you," she said as his erection pressed into her side.

Without wasting any time, he climbed on top and entered her, making her gasp at the sudden fullness.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to that," she moaned as he moved inside her.

"Me either!" he said, pressing his lips against hers.

"I thought we were going to sleep?"

"Guess not."

He was in awe that she was still with him after her experience with Harley. Caleb thought she would have cut and run, given that he was the cause of her horrible experience, but she didn't. Instead, she agreed to marry him and that really just boggled his mind.

The best part about it all was that he was putting his experience with Karen behind him. He realized now that his love for Maria far outweighed anything he'd ever experienced and he wasn't going to let pain get in the way of them being together. She gave him far more than Karen ever did.

He pushed his thoughts of his ex aside and focused on the sweet woman beneath him. It wasn't long before they both found their sweet release and were lying cuddling in bed.

He could only hope to give as much to her as she did to him and the first was to secure her hand in marriage with her father. If he could do that, he had it made.

Kissing Maria on the forehead, he laid his head back and closed his eyes. "Sweet dreams. hun."

"You, too."

The last image he had as he fell asleep was of a sweet young girl, except this time she didn't have Maria's hair, but rather looked strangely like Karen, light brown hair, straight as a pencil.

It was probably because he'd just been thinking about her, but whatever it was, it made him a little uneasy, like his future wasn't going to be as straightforward as he thought.

Just focus on what you're going to say tomorrow, dickhead, and you'll be fine.

Ya, right. He was so dead.

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