Chapter Twenty-Four

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“Come on,” Maria said when she found Becky in the kitchen making something to eat. “We’re getting out of here.”

Immediately her friend put the knife down and rushed over to Maria. “Wow, girl, are you okay?”

“No. I want to leave.”

“Okay. I’ll get Nathan to drive us home.”

She was stupid to think she was capable of a life like this. It didn’t matter whether she liked Sylvester or not. She didn’t want to be tortured, to be treated like dung on the bottom of a shoe. Sure, she and Becky did something they shouldn’t have, but he didn’t have the right to do what he did.

“Do you want to talk about it before we go?” Becky asked.

“I just had the best and worst orgasm of my life,” cried Maria, shaking her head. “That sounds so stupid doesn’t it.”

Confusion settled on her roomie’s face, but she didn’t question her; rather, Becky held out her arms and Maria rushed into them. “I can’t say I understand that, but it’s okay, hun. You can try and explain it to me later.”

Sylvester came around the corner and Becky held her palm out to him, shaking her head. Maria felt so stupid. She didn’t even really know what was wrong with her. She and Sylvester only just met each other, their oddball relationahip shouldn’t even really have this much of an impact on her yet.

It’s not like they were boyfriend or girlfriend. She was just a sub. One that could easily be replaced. And he would easily replace her with his looks. He still had subs waiting in the wings that wanted to get back together with him. And they were more than able to cover his needs. Whatever the heck those were...but if his needs were what he did tonight, she wanted nothing to do with it.

She liked him. She liked the hot stuff, but not feeling like she was being punished. Someone else was more suited to the position than her. She knew it from the beginning. He was a cat, she was the bird. The two of them were not meant to get along, were not meant to be under the same roof and live in peace with each other.

Maria waited in the kitchen while Becky went to wake Nathan up, Sylvester walked in, sadness and confusion straining his handsome face, causing wrinkles on his forehead. “Honey, please talk to me.”

Wrapping her arms around herself, she situated the island between them. “How could you do that to me?”

“Did I hurt you?”

“No. Yes!” Gah, she didn’t even know how to respond to him. “That,” she said, as she pointed to the hallway. “That was too much.”

“Hence why we have the safe word,” he reminded her calmly.

“I shouldn’t even need a safe word. That isn’t normal,” she snapped.

“It is in my world.”

“Why would you even let a woman get to that point? Aren’t you supposed to know when I’m reaching my limit? If you can’t see it, then how am I supposed to trust you?”

“How am I supposed to know your limit when I can’t trust you to use the safe word? Look, we are just learning about each other. Don’t give up now,” Sylvester said, his eyes pleading with her.

He looked like a little boy about to lose his favorite toy, but she wasn’t going to give in. She needed time to think, time to reflect on her choices. See what she wanted. Sex in general was new to her and she wanted it to be special, not full of uncertainty.

“I need space, Sylvester,” Maria said, her voice calm and collected, forcing herself to reign in her emotions. “Becky has gone to get Nathan. We’re going home.”

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