Chapter Seven

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The Lost City of Angels wasn't too far from Hua Mountain Range. If you had the right transportation method at hand, you could arrive within an hour or two.

Fortunately, Rei had a Golden Chariot that cut the time in half.

A small City appeared in the distance, located over the hills and through the valleys. It was built into the incline of a snowy capped mountain and the entire city was squeezed within an ancient stone enclosure. Varying architecture could be seen from the distance, originating from many different cultures. It was an interesting medley of designs.

Rei had seen The Lost City of Angels once in his life. However, it hadn't been this crowded and it was still in construction.

At that time, Rei had learned the brief history of this city from an old friend, specifically, how it was named.

The city had once belonged to the race of Angels. They were known for their grace and big hearts, so many people flocked over to this illustrious city to pay their respects. After all, many cures and treasures were handed down by the Angels.

Unfortunately, with every good, there comes a bad.

During the turn of a new century, a "black" plague had descended and killed off a majority of Angels within a single night.

It was called the "Blackening".

It started from their hearts and spread outwards in a vein like pattern, covering over their golden skin like a disease. After the blackening was complete, everything then rapidly broke down until they ceased to exist.

Few witnesses recounted the dreadful event, claiming the horror was etched deep into their hearts. 

Another horrific recount was the screams that filled the night. They were nightmarish and chilled a person to the bone.

The pain, the loss - it was all expressed in their last moments.

No one knows the true origin of the plague. It had arrived without warning and destroyed what was once prosperous and pure.

While a small group of Angels had escaped the "Blackening", no one knows where they ran too.

After this event took place the city of Angels lost it's true grandeur and color. No one stepped foot inside for countless year and the original architecture eventually crumbled into ruins. Many feared they would be next if they dared to live there.

It wasnt until five years before Rei had visited and three thousand years after the event took place, that Humans boldly claimed the city as their own and hid all traces of the Angels.

The only trace of the Angels left was in the renaming of the city.

The Lost City of Angels.

Time continues to flow but life will not cease to live.

Well, that was the story. Rei didn't really care whether it were true or not. He was more interested in the "friend" Ari wanted to introduce him too.

The Golden Chariot landed outside of the City's perimeter in an area most wouldn't venture. It was majestic and looked to be made for a God. Though it had no outstanding carvings or decorations adorning it, the Golden Chariot had a unique design layout. Where a steed would normally be tethered, there was a life-size statue of a golden bull. It was obviously not alive yet it listened to commands as if it were.

It had brought the two men to their destination without trouble.

"We'll enter on foot," Ari said as he leapt off the Chariot and landed gracefully on the balls of his heels.

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