Chapter Five

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Note: While it may seem like our characters are omnipotent, it doesn't mean they will have a smooth journey throughout the story...I will be sure not to bore you, mwuahaha!

"What are you going to do now?"

Rei glanced at the lingering "Deity" keeping pace by his side. What does he actually want?

Rei eventually shrugged, his actions speaking as loud as words. He didn't know what to do now that his original plan failed to take off. He silently ruminated over his next course of action.

"Why not take him by force?" suggested Ari, his eyes crinkling with amusement.

He was clearly anticipating the answer. His thin lips rose higher on his face and his eyes narrowed on the expressionless Rei.

However, his expression soon fell.

"I never thought of that." confessed Rei with an honest appearance.


It wasn't that Rei was stupid. He just never thought of using force as he'd always been restricted in the past. He thought it wouldn't have changed. But now that he actually considered it, why would it be the same? Was he not supposed to be imprisoned for eternity? Look, is he not free to roam the world...

Thanks to Ari's insight, his world views had drastically changed and his mind had cleared away some of the confusion that had accumulated over the years.

Would he meet the same restrictions?

"If you need assistance I will gladly help...for a price, of course." said Ari, a trace of mischievousness colouring his pale eyes.

Rei stared at him without uttering a single word. He was so used to not talking that his eyes were already hard at work translating anything he needed to say. You have something to say? Then say it - was his current appearance.

Ari swallowed his laughter and continued talking at a leisurely pace.

They had kept a fair distance behind the Bandit group who'd kidnapped "Bo" after being "rudely" turned away at the roadside.

Despite keeping to themselves, their splendid figures caught the eyes of many people who moved around them. Most of these people were unable to look the two men straight in the eye without quickly turning their heads away. Men and woman alike.

"Become my companion."

Just these three words were uttered from Ari's mouth. Rei couldn't fully understand what they meant until Ari elaborated.

"I am lonely and seeking a companion to work alongside me. Unfortunately, I have journeyed through heaven and hell yet I haven't met someone as outstanding as you."

Rei stopped walking. His obsidian eyes bore a hole into the man who came to a slow halt after him.

Ari's smile was unwavering and his eyes were filled with a determined light as he turned back.

However, Rei couldn't sense any hidden intentions.

Even though he wasn't very expressive, again, Rei wasn't stupid. He understood the art of flattery and intrigue. He knew wrong from right and he even knew how to cultivate feelings. It wasn't that hard to figure out; he had also partaked in the latter though he didn't get much enjoyment as others.

He wasn't completely unfeeling.

He usually could tell when someone was trying to tick him. After all, he was an expert in the art of tricking others. He could trick a filial mother into abandoning her biological child, this was rather simple.

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