The Club

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Wrapping the rubber band around my arm I inject the liqiud into my vein. The feeling of pure euphoria sounds my whole body, this is the last time I swear.

I walk out if the restroom and hear loud

music filling my ears, the beats feels like they are flowing right threw me.

"Crave You by The Flight Facilities dub step version", Fills my heart and makes it beat with the bass.

"Hey you little bitch!!!"

I turn to see Lucas his face mad as hell my heart beat stops and fear runs over my body, my legs move me far and fast away from him, pushing people out of my way trying to reach the exit as fast as I can.

I bust open the door and get my ID from the the front desk, bulting out of the tue last door someone garbs my arm, a big buff talk guy towers over me. I stop moving as I see a man set from behind him,


Ive never seen him before in my life but people always say noone ever does unless you work for him as security.... if your not security that means your going to.... die.

He is beautiful though, light honey eyes strong jaw line, plump lips. He looks like a god and I cant stop starring that is till I hear,

"Should we kill her boss?"

I dig my heal into the foot of the guy holding I me swear I hear a bone crack, he lets go of  me instantly. Thats my que to run, runing hard and fast is one of my gifts, I was an all star track champion 3 years.

I take off my heals and throw them aside somewhere in the bushes. Now im really flying, this is why they can never catch me and this is why im still alive.

After runing for a straight 20 min I drop by my favorite diner sitting in the booth by myself I lift up my arm, ugh this hole looks infected. This is the last time I shoot up.....

"Hey Dreana, What can I get you beautiful?"

"Hmmm how about some of you."

I look up at Ryan, classic hot white boy the only white boy I find attractive.

"I get off in 10, here take the keys ill be up in a bit."

He winks at me biting his bottom lip, ughhh he drives me wild! I get up and go upstairs unlocking his door, first thing I do Is jump in the shower. Ughh I needed this, I feel a hand on my hip. I open my eyes, this is a first.... we have never actually done anything.... not even kissed! I turn around and see his hungry eyes,

"Ryan what are doing?"

"Just relax, let me touch you."

"Ryan I dont think this is a good idea..."

"Put your arms around my neck."

I do as he says Bringing our foreheads together, My heart racing. His arms wrap around my waist pulling me closer than the word close. His lips hover over mine,

"Dreana I love you."

I push away hard, I hate those words! I step out of the shower and put a robe on. I feel him tackle me to his bed, his body ontop of mine.

"I love you Dreana!!!!! Just accept it!!!"

He yells in my face holding my hands above my head. I feel my core burning for him and I think he can tell, he holds my hands above my head with one hand. His other hand opens my robe his mouth on my chest, slipping my nipple in his mouth. My body arches in pleasure, he lets go of my hands. I pull his head up and look into his eyes, he is perfect but im not..... I wont allow him to love a fuck up like me. I pull his face to mine and kiss him as hard and as passionately as I could, groans slip his lips as I move my bottom half against his. I feel him growing against my thigh, he spreads my legs forcefully. Putting himself between me he rubbs his memeber up and down my core teasing me. His lips on mine, he slides himself in me and pain raises in me. I tell him to stop.

"I cant, it hurts."

"Dreana.... Are you a virgin? "

I look away,


"Let me take it away."

I look at him,

"Im not ready."









Settling My Debt ***Completed***Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora