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Ryder POV

I set the last food bowl on the floor and walked out to the Look Out terrace. "Pups!" I shouted. "Dinner!" "Last one to the Look Out is it!" Skye cheered happily. The pups ran for the pup elevator. "Wait for me!" Marshall yelled from the top of the slide.

He went to go down the slide, when... "Marshall!" Chase shouted. "Look out for that-" Marshall tripped on a twig that was at the top and fell off on the ladder side. "Oww!" I heard him whine. "Ryder!" I ran outside and bent down next to him. "I think I broke something." Marshall whined, tears building up in his blue eyes, his voice cracking. "Marshall, just calm down." I told him calmly. "I think you broke something, too, but you're gonna be okay. Where does it hurt the most?" "In my paw,"

I carefully pulled him into my lap and lightly touched his front left paw. "Ow. Oww!" "Sorry. Rocky!" I called for my grey mixed breed pup. Rocky came running over to us, "Yeah, Ryder?" "Call Katie and tell her to bring a medical kit or something to help Marshall." I'd do it, but I left my Pup Pad inside. "I'm on it!" He darted off towards the Look Out as fast as his legs could carry him.

"Is he gonna be okay, Ryder?" Chase asked.

"I'll be okay, Chase." Marshall assured him, a small smile on his face.

I smiled at the bravery in him, and at how much Chase cared about him. They were like brothers.

20. MINUTES. LATER. (Spoken like that random narrator on SpongeBob)

"You fractured your whole leg, and broke a few bones in your paw, Marshall." Katie said, putting a pink heart sticker on his red cast. "You have to stay off your leg for 3 weeks, 4 at the latest." "But what if there's an emergency?" Marshall ask, his throat sore. "No, you are going to rest." I told him. "I don't need you getting hurt anymore." "But Ryder-"


"Oh my..." Katie groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Cali, get away from Chase! His allergies are bad enough already." Cali snickered, and bounced away to her little hiding nook. "I'm sorry, Chase." Katie said. "Cali's been acting really sneaky lately." "It's okay, Katie." Chase said. I've gotten used to - AHCOO! -sneezing." Katie looked at me. "The seagull's have been going after his food again." I explained. "Oh. They must like the smell of the dog food." Katie guessed, shrugging. "It's not the food, it's his allergy powder. It makes it smell and taste better than normal dog food." "It does?" I nodded. "Speaking of that, does he need anymore?" "He's got half a bottle left." "Here, I'll give you another one just in case." I followed her to the back room where Katie keeps all of the medicine and supplies. "Now let's see..." She sifted through the numerous shelves for Chase's bottle. "He's registered with your last name, right?" "Yeah, his full name should be Chase Hunter Turner." "His middle name is Hunter?" "You didn't know that?" "Not until now. I don't exactly read the full name. I go as far as Turner, Chase, I don't read the middle names." I just shrugged. She handed me his bottle and I put it in my coat pocket.

I followed her back out to the veterinary area. "Hey, look." She whispered, stopping me. I looked over to where she was pointing. Over in front of the check in table, where Marshall was sitting, Chase was balancing a bowl full of water on his nose up onto the table, and pushing it towards Marshall. "Awww!" Katie sighed quietly. I smiled.

Marshall licked Chase to say Thank you, and went at the water in the bowl. I walked over and gave Chase a big ear scratch.

Yup, these are my pups. And I can't be more happy to have them.

"Ryder," Katie said, lightly patting Marshall's head. "I might need Marshall to stay with me tonight so I can check on him in the morning." "Okay, Katie." I said. "Can't you guys stay the night?" Marshall asked. "I guess we could. That okay with you, Katie?" "I think that's a great idea!" Katie said, a smile on her face. "Great! I'll call the other pups."

Rocky's POV

Skye was pacing back and forth in her uniform. "I hope Marshall's okay." She said for the 9th time in twenty minutes. "Skye, dudette, calm down. I'm sure Marshall's fine. Chase went with him." Zuma said. "But what he broke more than his paw? What if he has to get shots and is stuck in a cast for weeks and he has to have surgery and-" " Surgery? Did Ryder get your food mixed with Chase's allergy powder?" I asked. "No he didn't!" "Then calm down! Like Zuma said, Chase went with him, he wouldn't let anything happen to him that may hurt him even more." "Yeah, they're like, totally brothers." ' Hey , pups!' Ryder's face came on the screen. "Ryder!" Skye squeeled. "Is Marshall okay?" 'He's fine, Skye. Why don't you pups come on down with your sleeping bags? We're staying here tonight so Katie can check up on Marshall in the morning.' Skye barked happily and did her classic back flip. "Let's go!" "We're on our way up, Ryder." Rubble said.  Ryder signed off and we all ran outside to get our stuff.

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