A Long Walk and an Awkward Talk

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"May I speak to you alone?" asked Bjorn as he gestured to the door. I follow him out with no small amount of fear pulling at my chest. "I believe what Sigurd says about you, but I also believe he sees more than just a warrior when he looks at you. I have known him for many years and until now I could read him quite easily. Yet there is something about you and your presence that I can't see through, something he knows that I don't perhaps that lets us see you in different lights. I'd like you to return here this evening with Sigurd. I have a few things I'd like to discuss with the two of you. Bring a sword."

As we came back through to the main hall everything Bjorn said circled my mind. What did they see in me? What did Sigurd see in me? I was worried about what needed discussing and why I would need a sword. It already feels like our plan is slipping from our control and I may be moving faster than I realised. "Sigurd, if you and Astrid could return this evening I would like to discuss some things and perhaps get to know your plans in more detail." Bjorn's voice carried as he moved towards his private quarters. "Of course" came Sigurds reply. With that Bjorn disappeared from sight and we made our way outside. "What did he have to say to you?" asked Sigurd. "He just talked of our plan and what we're getting into. He didn't say what tonight will be about but he said to bring a sword."

As we made our way through the village Sigurd stopped to buy what looked to be more clothing, some fish, and stopped at the blacksmith's. Apparently the day was slow as the knife I had left not two hours earlier was finished and the handle was redone without a crack to be seen. I was impressed. The work was close if not as good as my brothers. I myself could make a decent blade but the rest was never as good. Sigurd handed the knife to me as we left. "Sorry, I needed a reason to be in there. I had a few coins in my pants if they're still around." I offered. "I've supplied his wife with herbs and supplies for healing over the last few years. It didn't cost me a thing. Not many want to wander through those woods." "Yet you do?" I asked. "I see nothing to be afraid of. I see no fear in you either. You seem most at ease surrounded by the woods and all that's held within them." He kept walking as he spoke yet I could feel his eyes on me. "Why did you move so far from the village?" I was curious. Perhaps like me he was more fond of animals than people. "People thought I was crazy" he giggled "They thought the way I looked and the way I thought were unnatural. Except Bjorn. So I built my home out there where I could come up with plans for boats, or carts, whatever came to mind really. I could also hunt freely and, as I said, supply the village with things nobody else wants to find." he explained. Perhaps he was crazy. He was certainly different and the paint he wore on his face was more like a seer than a warrior.

We entered the forrest and made our way back to the cottage, every once in a while throwing ideas out about what Bjorn wanted tonight. I was worried he'd ask about my past. That's something I'd rather not discuss or even think about. Sigurd had seen some of it but he did not know everything. He went inside to put the things he had bought away while I gathered more wood. I set some of the wood into the grate while the rest went in the pile for later. As I was lighting the fire Sigurd came out with the fish and began preparing one piece and preserving the others. After helping preserve the remaining fish I head outside to think. With the soft breeze whispering through the trees and the sound of birds singing above me I could almost feel like I was home. I could hear some animal off to the right rustling in a bush. Some crickets chirping somewhere in the wood pile, it was almost relaxing. If only I could stop thinking about tonight.

After eating that night Sigurd and I made our journey back to the village. I still couldn't carry my own sword so instead sigurd wore my sheath while I still carried my knives. It looked strange on him compared to the two axes he carried. Though I have no doubts he could fight just as well with it. The walk was mostly quiet and the night carried a chill on the breeze. It seemed longer than normal yet we were standing within the halls of Bjorn before I knew it. "Perfect timing as always my friend" he called out to us. "Have a seat" gesturing toward a table. "So why have you called us here tonight?" asked Sigurd. "I called you here for two things. One  I want to know more about Astrid here, and two I'd like her to fight me." Bjorn sat back as he waited for a response. Holding myself together I spoke as calmly as possible, "What would you like to know?"  "How did you learn to fight?" he asked. "My brother was a blacksmith. We trained with what he made." I replied honestly. "Ok, how many men did you kill the day we took you?" I thought about it, "Three, maybe four, I'm not sure." Sigurd joins in, "I saw two for sure. She was quick." I look at Bjorn, feeling him thinking, "Sigurd told me your back is covered in scars. What are they from?" That was it. The topic I'd been dreading. I didn't answer, I couldn't. Then Sigurds voice rang through, "She showed me something...like a memory. There was a man, he beat her. I think he tortured her." "That's not your place!" I growled. "You know nothing about me or my past!" I stood to leave when both Sigurd and Bjorn grabbed me. "Stop. We are not beyond torture here but it is only a punishment dealt over worthy crimes. Now you do not have to explain but all I can ask is did you deserve it?" Bjorn's grip still held tight while Sigurd had let go. "No I didn't deserve it." I was on the verge of tears but for once my anger beat down my fear. "I think we best put off our fight until tomorrow. I think right now you might just kill me." Bjorn joked and I cracked the smallest smile. "My past is behind me. It does not define who I am and I will fight my way to survive here. Maybe someday you'll get the truth out of me but you'll probably have to get me drunk." I laugh. "Well I guess we'll just have to try won't we? For now you two go home. I want you here tomorrow at noon. We'll see how strong you are." Bjorn said as he led us to the door. He said something to Sigurd that I couldn't hear then sent us on our way. "I'm sorry I yelled at you in there. It's just not something I like to talk about." I apologized. "You were right it wasn't my place. I just wanted to know more and gods do I want to kill that man. But I will wait until you're ready to tell me...or drunk enough." He giggled making me laugh. By the time we made it home we were both tired and giggly and had almost completely forgotten about the nights conversation. Instead focusing on whatever came to mind until we finally fell into bed laughing ourselves to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2018 ⏰

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