A Tortured Past

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Astrid's P.O.V

I could see his cabin beneath the trees as we continued closer. I began to panic, I couldn't run it would only make things worse for me. With nowhere to go and Sigurd's home now moments away I began to sink, losing my strength I crumbled. "I'm sorry...I tried to tell you but you weren't listening. I just needed some air." I tried explaining myself but when he didn't respond I prepared for the worst. He opened the door and led me inside towards the fireplace. "I'll be right back." he said and was gone. I didn't dare move. What if it was a test to see if I would run? I couldn't risk the consequences so I stayed by the wall and awaited his return. I jumped as the door was once again opened and Sigurd came into view loaded down with wood for the fire. I listened as he built up the fire but dared not look for I was afraid I would see the angered expression I had seen earlier. When he had finished he came towards me as I cowered back. I couldn't live this life again, memories flooded my mind as I began to shake with fear. I had cornered myself and now had no way out of whatever punishment awaited me. I kept my eyes down and saw him reach towards me as I pushed myself further into the corner and away from him until I saw him take his hand away. "Astrid, Astrid look at me." he said, but I couldn't and now I was visably shaking.

Sigurd's P.O.V.

The closer we got to home the more afraid she looked. I knew why she did it but after Bjorn told me about Magnus I don't know what to do. I wasn't mad at her I was just worried. I couldn't force myself on her especially now that she seems so afraid of me. I opened the door then realised I was low on wood for the fire. This was my chance to think things through. "I'll be right back" I told her then left. 'How could I make her understand? How can I show that she's mine without marking her?' I thought. I played with my thoughts as I gathered enough for the night and decided I would just have to keep her close and teach her how to act around others. When I re-entered the room she was still standing in the same place by the wall and was keeping her gaze towards the floor. I built the fire until it began to warm the room then made my way towards her. I stopped as she began to move away from me. I slowly made my way towards her again and reached my hand out to her. I could see her shaking as she pressed herself into the corner. 'Was she really this afraid of me?' I didn't know what to do but I knew I didn't want her to be afraid. "Astrid, Astrid look at me." I begged. "I'm not going to hurt you just please look at me." I tried as I reached towards her face, she flinched away from me but I had to see, I had to know. I lifted her chin and saw something that hurt me. She looked anywhere but at me and the tears in her eyes were about to fall. She really was afraid of me... what happened to the strong woman I had taken from battle? Before she could move I pulled her into my arms. "I promise I'll never hurt you. Bjorn told me about Magnus. I can't let him take you. I need you to be strong. I need you to trust me." I could feel her tears soak through onto my shoulder as I held her. I could feel her shaking in my arms and wanted nothing more than to be able to stop it, to be able to comfort her. "What happened to the brave woman I met in battle? What was your life really like before I found you?" I asked. I felt her arms tighten around me then...I saw everything.  The vision ended and she was no longer in my arms but rather had her back to me. I turned her around, I didn't care what just happened. All that mattered was that she had a tortured past and I was ready to kill the man who made it. "I promise nobody will every hurt you like that again. I'll keep you safe." I looked into her eyes as she finally looked up to me. "Don't make promises you can't keep."

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