Acting A Slave

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The first day of acting a slave had me nervous. Sigurd had a breakfast of eggs waiting, but before I could start he asked, "Are you ready?" "No, but the sooner we start the sooner I can stop being afraid."

As we made our way into the village I stuck close to Sigurd while also taking in my surroundings fully for the first time. There were so many people and almost all of them armed. 'This is going to be harder than I'd hoped for'. Before I know it we're back at the hall where the feast was held and are making our way inside. The further we moved into the structure the more I realised just how famous Bjorn was to his people. "This is his home isn't it?" I asked. "Yes. But there is a section for their personal use behind the hall." he explained. "Ah Bjorn, I have an idea to discuss with you" he called. "And what might that be old friend?" he asked as he approached us.

After explaining our plan Bjorn simply smiles at Sigurd. "If she fights the way you say then I believe you might just pull it off. If not you will most likely lose her. Are you willing to risk that my friend?" he asked. Sigurd looks torn between confidence and fear as he answers. "If it comes to it I will mark her." Bjorn looks to me then lowers his voice "I don't understand why you havn't already." "Because she doesn't deserve to be marked forever as a slave!" With this Bjorn sighs defeated..."Fine, I will try to help you but it is up to you two to make sure you're ready." The concern in his voice didn't help my confidence in any way.

The remainder of the day was spent buying food for the week and clothing that better suited me while also searching for my first opponent. So far we had agreed on three people Sigurd could put me against in the coming weeks. Unfortunately even the women here looked tougher than what I was used to but that might just give me the chance I need if they underestimated me.

It made for a long day but I did everything Sigurd said and acted as an obedient slave. Only once was there a problem when a man asked who I belonged to. Luckily Sigurd wasn't far, "She's mine and you'll do well to remember that."
He pulled me close as we made our way back through the woods. I couldn't help the thoughts as they slipped from my mouth "You're tougher than you look. Nobody ever seems to challenge you." "You want to know the truth?" he asked. "They think I'm crazy" I couldn't help but laugh.

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