The Battle

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On a cool fall evening screams and battle cries made their way to a young womans ears. She stood grabbing her sword and heading towards the noise. It was frowned upon for women to handle weapons but she never cared. As she came through the last of the woods she was met with fire and death, there were men fighting everywhere around the kingdom. To her shock most of the fallen soldiers were of the kingdom she called home. The warriors from the sea were tough and fought viciously. They looked strange wearing furs and long braids in their hair, many wore ink in their skin...they were the men of the north, they were vikings.

Jumping into battle she took on the first man she encountered. The fight was tough with the man being stronger and clearly knowing his way around a sword. They battled as weapons clashed and the yells of war encircled them. She ducked just as he swung for her side taking her chance to force her sword deep into his right breast. As he fell to her feet she backed away and moved on quickly. She set off in search of the women she knew would be hiding and protecting their children. Their screams pierced the air catching her ears before her eyes. The men of the north were taking women and killing those they didn't want. She knew what these men would do and had to stop them as she once again stepped into battle. She ran between one of the men and a girl no older than fifteen as she raised her sword before her. The men laughed moving to take it not expecting her to strike. Before he could react she drove her weapon deep into his stomach causing the other to act. The women still had not moved from their spot and engaged in battle she could do nothing for them as more men approached. Catching her sword on his inner thigh she severed his arterie leaving him to die. "Run!" she yelled as the men drew near. The women scattered looking frantically for a new place to hide as she too ran, not noticing the shadow that followed.

She stopped in what appeared to be a blacksmiths shop to listen and catch her breath. A burning pain drew her attention from the fight to her arm as she realised she had been injured in the last duel. There was now a diagonal gash running down the length of her right forearm causing her to lose blood quickly. Ripping a piece from her shirt she began to bind her arm when someone entered the room unnoticed. "You're quite the fighter" a voice said. Jumping she turns to see a strange looking man, rather skinny for a viking with short hair like a boy. He giggles at her startled expression and moves slowly towards her. Stepping back she yells "Stop or I'll kill you like I did the others" Catching her bluff he giggles once more and says "you may be a strong fighter, but how long can you last with that wounded arm?" an axe twitches in his hand as he moves closer. She raises her sword once more in defence which he easily knocks from her grasp. "I've been watching you. You are no ordinary woman to be bringing down three men, but your injury has made you weak...too weak to fight off the rest." the man now inches away axe still in hand. He was right. Weak from the loss of blood she couldn't push him off as he grabs her, tossing her onto his shoulder. "No! Where are you taking me!?" She shrieked pounding on his back with her good arm now defenseless without her sword. "To the ship, you belong to me now."

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