A Long Night

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Astrid's P.O.V

  I had shown him my past. I couldn't help it, as my memories flooded through my mind like a hurricane they found their way into him, showing him everything that had brought me to my knees in fear. He saw him, the one who had taken me from my home, made me a slave, and broke my will to live. The things he did still haunted my dreams until I was taken by Sigurd. It was then that my mind focused on a new threat, but now that I had realised that he was different my thoughts returned to the fear of my old masters reappearance in my life.

These were the thoughts that plagued me as I lay awake next to Sigurd's sleeping form. He had tried to calm me down and distract me by telling me stories from his childhood, stories his mother told him before bed. It had worked and eventually I found sleep, if only for a few hours, but even with him next to me I couldn't seem to find my way back to rest. I needed to think of something other than that bastard from my past. I was safe with Sigurd and should something happen that he couldn't protect me I'm sure Bjorn would in his place. What was it about these two that made them so different? No viking leader got to where they were by being kind. It's not like he knows about my past or anything about me at all. I think the only reason he saved me from that man was because it would've hurt Sigurd. "Still can't sleep?" came a sleepy voice. I turned to see him looking at me as he sat up. "My mind won't rest. I have too many thoughts and questions circling my mind like vultures." my voice came out quiet and tired. "Are there any I could answer?" and there was atleast one that I knew he could. "Why did Bjorn protect me?" I asked. "Of all the possible questions that is what you ask?" he laughs. "He and I have been friends since before he was a famous man...and just before he found you we had been talking about you. You might not have noticed but you are important to me and not just as a slave. I want to know everything about you. He knows what that's like and I believe he sees something in you as well." he explained. "That answered my question but it created even more." I say as he laughs once again. "I'm sure everything will reveal itself in time. Don't be afraid to ask me though. If I can answer it I will. You should try and get back to sleep though, it is late and we have an early start tomorrow." "What's tomorrow?" I ask. "It's the beginning of your lessons." he said looking as though he was planning something big, but I couldn't ask as he wrapped an arm around me, laying me down. He pulled me into him with my back to his chest. "I believe you'll have fun. Now get some sleep." he whispered causing a strange warmth to run through me. Maybe this won't be so bad. This could be a new start for me. With those thoughts calming my mind and his arms held around me I once again found sleep and this time no nightmares disturbed it.

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