Days at Sea

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Making their way back through the ruined city the corpses were innumerable. As they made their way towards the harbour she could see the vikings and their ships ready to take her Gods know where. She began to fight with a new fire, punching and kicking at anything she could reach, fighting through the pain of her arm, yet his only response was his strange little giggle. As he began to board a ship her true panic began, she may have hated it there but she didn't want to leave like this. Lost in thought she was set on the deck and tied to the mast in defeat. Looking around she takes in the three women next to her who seem to be in a much worse state than herself. Her captor knelt before her trying to see into her face while another approached. They were about the same height but this man was more muscular. They talked too low for her to hear but she caught the end of their conversation as the man was looking towards her as he said "well you best be careful. If she is what you say, others may take notice." He then knelt to her height and looked into her eyes, "So, what do we call you?" he asked.  Her only response, a silent glare. "To think my friend here said you were a feisty one. No matter, we will rename you." Looking towards her captor he asked "Have you thought of a name?" Taking a moment to think, he finally answers. "...Astrid". "Astrid it is."

Staying silent she watched the man as he made his way to the front of the boat. 'He must be their leader' she thought. 'Yet he is so s....' A hand around her arm pulled her from her thoughts as she looks up to her captor. "Let me bind your arm. I don't want you dying before we get back." "At least tell me your name!" she pleads. Smirking he answers, "My name is Sigurd". Hoping this would ease some of her thoughts she was wrong. Questions were forming and spreading through her mind like a disease, but she couldn't decide what to ask. Once her arm was bound he wrapped some furs around her shoulders. Each time they slid off he would pull them back into place and just watch her. She should have thought herself lucky. Her viking was not like the rest, he did not touch her like the others did their women. He was gentle while others were rough. They had beaten their women and forced themselves onto them whenever they pleased. They had to escape, but escape to where? All around them there was only water. They would drown before long. They would just have to wait until their chance revealed itself.

It had been weeks, maybe months, yet there was still no sign of land. One of the women had stopped eating and awaited death while the others whispered of escape. It was useless though, death would be their only escape, but even then it would be slow and agonizing unless they could get free of the ropes that held them to the mast.

When it came to Astrid Sigurd never wandered far from her side since the day she was taken, but now he kept even closer. Some of the other men had noticed her untouched state and were beginning to take interest. She may not trust Sigurd but he would not hurt her... at least not yet.

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