The Feast

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They made their way through the woods and back towards the village in silence. Sigurd could not wait to celebrate with his people yet he was worried. He had not yet marked Astrid as his which meant he would have to keep a close eye on her and anyone who took an interest. Astrid however had no time to think of such things when her stomach seemed to demand her attention every few steps.

As they reached the village she could already hear the loud voices from within what appeared to be a meeting hall. As they approached, her stomach once again demanded her attention as it growled. Sigurd turned with an eyebrow raised, "You really are hungry. There will be plenty of food to fix that." He smiled down at her yet she could see something, fear? "Don't you enjoy these feast's?" she asked. "Of course. Why?" She studied his face before finally responding. "You just don't appear all that happy to be here." she then stopped as he looked up. He hadn't realised they were already standing before the entrance to the hall. 'Here we go' he thought. They stepped through the doors to see both men and women drinking, eating, and laughing. 'Maybe this won't be so bad' she though as she looked at the happy hord. Sigurd set his hand on her lower back pulling her from her thoughts and guiding her to a table where she recognised the leader from the ship sitting alone apart from a few people spread along it's length. As they walked he feels the eyes of a few men watching her as they passed. Seeing this he tightened his grip on her, attempting to show she belonged to him and he would not be sharing. "Ah Sigurd, nice of you to finally join us." the man said. "Excuse us Bjorn, I fell asleep and Astrid needed to bathe after our long journey." Sigurd said. "Ah, well you must be starved. Please, sit down." he jestured. Sigurd and Bjorn began to talk quietly after the two had finished eating. Astrid continued to eat, unable to hear what the men were saying.

Sigurd's P.O.V

"Why have you brought her when you havn't yet marked her? You know what risks you run." whispered Bjorn. They looked towards the unsuspecting girl. "She does not act as a slave. You need to train her." he looked around at the other party goers. "Why must I force myself on her? She knows to obey and not to run from me. As long as I keep her close she will be safe." Sigurd couldn't tell him, but there was something about her. If he marked her he would never find out what secrets she holds. "And if she gets out of your reach? What then? Will you be able to stop another from claiming her?" Bjorn stated his point. He would have to show them that she was his, but how? Bjorn shook him from his thoughts as he pointed to Astrid's empty seat then to her form dissappearing into the crowd. Sigurd stood, nearly falling as he sped after her followed closely by Bjorn.

Astrid's P.O.V
"Sigurd. Sigurd I need some air." she tried, failing to gain the attention of either man. 'I'll be quick' she thought as she slid from the bench. She began to move through the sea of people and towards the open doors. Manuevering to avoid the stagering drunks she was only a few feet from the door when she felt a hand around her wrist. "Where do you think you're going darlin?" a rather large man asked. His muscled height was quite intimidating compared to her thin frame. "I was just stepping out for some air if you don't mind." "I don't think so"he smirked. "I don't see any master, or markings, looks like I've got myself a new toy." he grabbed her other arm and pulled her into him. "Come on d..." before she knew what was happening Bjorn was between her and the man. "Magnus, I don't believe she belongs to you." he said. "I didn't see any marks. I didn't know she was yours." the man seemed to be backing himself into the corner away from Bjorn. He whispered into the man's ear something she couldn't hear then came back towards her. She refused to look at him out of fear he would hurt her for leaving Sigurd's side. "Come on, Sigurd is worried." was all he said before leading her back to the table.

Bjorn's P.O.V
I could see Magnus following the girl towards the door. What was she doing? Next thing I knew he had pulled her to the corner and was clearly checking her face and body for marks. I couldn't let him take her from Sigurd. I pulled him off of her and stepped into her place. "Magnus, I don't believe she belongs to you." "I didn't see any marks. I didn't know she was yours." he said. I didn't care what he thought as long as he never touched her again. " If you look at her like that again I will personally cut out your eyes and gift them to her." I threatened then turned back to her. She looked scared. Why wouldn't she be? "Come on, Sigurd is worried." I told her as I led her back to the table towards a pissed looking Sigurd.

Astrid's P.O.V

I looked up to see Sigurd yet the look on his face made me back into Bjorn. He put his hand on my back urging me forward. "What were you thinking leaving without me!? What were you doing!?" I didn't expect him to care but now I don't know what to do. "I...I just needed some air. I'm sorry" I couldn't look at him. I was scared what he would do if I did. I felt a hand on my arm and looked to see Sigurd no longer angry, but confused. He moved his hand and I couldn't help from flinching. "I'm sorry" I whispered. "Let's get out of here." He said. Bjorn leaned over to him. Saying something I couldn't make out before standing and wishing me a good night. Sigurd wrapped his arm around me as we headed out of the hall and back towards the path to his house.  What's he going to do to me? I began to shiver as we walked. I have nowhere to run when he knows these woods so well. He pulled me closer but it only made it worse. I hope we never make it back.

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