Chapter 2: Larson Styles

Start from the beginning

"Lewis?" Evelyn muttered softly, breaking the heavy tension that thickened the air around them. Lewis' eyes cast down onto Ariel and she wavered nervously, "can I sit with you guys?" She asked, not particularly expecting open arms. She was proved right when Ariel remained silent and directed what could only be described as a sociopathic stare towards her; one filled with anger and bitter resentment. Yet no one seemed to detect the distasteful look in Ariel's eyes. "Sure!" Evelyn chirped.

          Ariel froze. She averted her attention to Evelyn, her eyes darkening as her lips twitched in the anger festering deep within the confines of her chest.

"What makes you, the cheerleading captain hate the baseball team?" Parker scoffed in disbelief, his gaze never breaking from the table he abandoned to be by Ariel's side. The two weren't the best of friends but she needed him. At least that's what he told himself. "They're a bunch of a-holes, I never liked them to begin with and after seeing what they did to Tobias' locker, it just made me angr–"

"What are you doing here, Lewis? Seeing your face was the last thing I imagined would happen today when I woke up this morning so why don't we continue to make that a reality?" Ariel's voice sliced through the air, cutting off Lewis' words with a venomous seethe of the tongue. She gulped, knowing Ariel would be the last person to care about the reason she sat at their table for the first time ever.

         But she knew that if there was any truth to her theory, maybe they could find a way to prove Tobias is innocent. Not many people knew of this information, but Lewis and Tobias have been friends since grade school. They weren't like brother and sister nor best friends, but close enough to be considered a friend, regardless.

Lewis couldn't begin to imagine Tobias would do something like this. A guy of his calibre wouldn't get his hands dirty even if he wanted to. And if he did, it had to be for a good reason and she couldn't think of any good reasons for murdering, raping and dismembering two teenage girls who he had no connection to at all. So as she sat there, swallowing her nervousness and slapping on a brave face in the eyes of the only girl who could help Tobias as much as she wanted to—she knew what she was going to say next was worth it.

"I think Larson has something to do with the death of those girls."


The last curl bounced heavily on her shoulder and she ran her fingers through the silky fiery ocean that was her hair. The hot curling iron's steam wafted over her fingers as she placed it down onto her vanity. Admiring herself in the mirror, Ariel forced a smile onto her face. She regretted not following Larson in the courtyard. Maybe if she did she could have salvaged her relationship. But something held her back. She didn't know what but it did. However; now she was determined than ever to get him back.

         To get her Larson back.

Normally, Ariel's outfit always made a statement whenever she walked through her front door. But today in particular, there was a motive behind it. Long-sleeved black crop top paired with a red jeans skirt that hugged her figure tightly, wrapping around her waist like a second glove. She wore her signature knee-high red boots along with a black choker, the crystallized encrusted diamond 'A' dangling from its tiny hook. Her look was finished off with a smear of her famous ruby red lipstick and a wing-eyed look in an attempt to achieve striking cat eyes.

She didn't admit it out loud but this was to show Larson what he was missing and possibly send him flying back into her arms. Normally Ariel wouldn't care, but time was something precious to her and two years being flushed down the drain without a reasonable explanation did not sit well with her. When she was done dressing, she grabbed her belongings and retreated to the kitchen where her mother and Adele currently resided.

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