Jimin: Life That Could Never Be Forgotton

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"Jimin, I have something for you before I go!" Y/N said. "What is it?" He asked. "Look inside your room!" She said again and the boy went inside his room.

"What is with all this gift box?" He asked looking at her confusedly. "You know about my illness and so I bought you all these presents and you can only open it on your birthday" The girl said smiling at him. He smiled back and bring the girl back to the hospital.

1 week later

The boy was in the hospital to meet his girlfriend. He went inside her room and saw her sleeping. He hold her hand and it was freezing as ice. He get out of the room and saw a nurse walking. "Uhm excuse me can you check on the girl in room 365?" Jimin asked. The nurse went inside and check the girl.

Suddenly the nurses face were all panicked and she called the doctor. He checked her and suddenly the doctor looked back sadly. "I'm sorry but she's gone" The doctor said the boy burst into tears.

*End of flashback*

Today is Jimin's birthday and he remembered that Y/N told him he have to take one of the presents in hos room. He took one and opened it. There was a card inside the box and it says "Happy Birthday dear Chimchim, I'm sorry now that I'm not with you anymore but I hope you will have a wonderful day!".

He started to sob and he took out something from the box and it was the t-shirt that he always wanted. The boy cried because he really missed you. Then he drifted off to sleep.
"Hi honey" He said looking at the sky. Everyone gave him a weird look but he ignored it. "I remember when we sit here having the time of our life! I miss you alot. I wish you were here with me." The boy said still looking at the sky.

"It's been 1 year now and tomorrow is my birthday. You know that right? I can't wait to open one gift from you!" The boy said tearing up. "I also still remember that you want me to get a job and make you proud. Well you know I have been working hard for us since we met and you also helped me. Now I had just became the head leader and that is a hard work and I want to make you proud and that is something special for me." He said.

"But the most important thing for me is you...Y/N!"


B͛T͛S͛ I͛M͛A͛G͛I͛N͛E͛S͛Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora