23~ Shut up my comebacks are amazing

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Chapter 23~ Shut up my comebacks are amazing

"I think Ms. Brooks is trying to kill us," Pae sighed as she collapsed into the chair next to mine. I glanced warily at her as her head fell onto the table. "She's making us write a 5 page essay in a night and I kinda want to die." she complained, raising her head to look at me as I took another bite out of my sandwich.

"It's your fault, you decided to take almost all college classes," I gave her a knowing look and she shot me a glare in return. "Well next time I say I want to take college classes, hit me on the top of the head with a brick." She says, letting her head fall back onto the table and I let out a small breath, shaking my head.

"What's wrong with her?" Julian asks as he sits down next to his girlfriend and shoves a fry into his mouth. "English" I mouth and he nods as he pushes his fingers through her hair and she groans. I roll my eyes at her and look at my phone. A message banner pops up and I type in my password to look at it.

Where are you?

Um the lunchroom, why?

No reason

You are such a bad liar, and you know it

Only around you kitten.

Seriously though, why are you wondering where I am?

You'll find out soon mi amor. Have patience.

I scoff as I turn off my phone, looking back at Julian and Pae. They were in a deep conversation, staring at each other intently. I couldn't help but notice how he looked at Pae, like she was his whole world. It was beyond adorable.

They've been together for around two years but it still never got easier seeing my two best friends all close and comfortable. Even if they did try to keep the PDA to a minimum around me, for the sake of my eyes.

I sighed as grabbed a bag of carrots out of my bag and looked around the lunchroom again. I hadn't seen Wren very much today and I was going to take a wild guess and say Will was most likely at fault. They have been hanging out a lot more recently, which I'm pretty ecstatic about but that meant I would see her less often.

Just as I was about to get up and throw my garbage away, I felt a hand touching my shoulder and I do a double take, almost falling off my chair. I looked up to see the one and only Asher staring down at me, trying not to burst into a fit of laughter. I shoot him a death glare and elbow him in the stomach, shutting him up quickly.

"Ow! What was that for?" he whines, clutching his stomach, sitting down next to me. "What do you think? You about scared the hêll out of me you- you jerk!" I manage to sputter out, searching for the right word. Asher sits there amused as he raises his eyebrows teasingly.

"Is that the best comeback you could think of kitten, that's kind of sad honestly." I narrow my eyes at him. "Shut up, my comebacks are amazing,"

"If you say so.." Asher shrugs as he tries to take one of my carrots but I slap his hand away and scowl. "No touching my food."

"Damn kitten, your a feisty one today," he teases and I narrow my eyes more. "Well I'd rather be feisty  than be one of the girls who fawn over you in the hallways." I shoot back and he looks at me amused.

"Oh so your telling me you're jealous of those girls, I mean since you've noticed them?" I sigh at him. "God I forgot how annoying you are, why do I keep you around?"

"Because I'm great company!" he smirks as me and I snort. "Okay whatever you say Charming, anyways why are you here? You never eat lunch in the lunchroom," I ask, snapping a carrot in half and handing the other to him. "Can't I just spend lunch with one of my friends without a reason?" I open my mouth to answer but Pae cuts me off.

"When did you get here?" She asks as she pulls away from Julian, sliding into her own seat. The second Jillian realizes Asher is sat at our table he noticeably tenses up as does Asher. Trying to keep the fist fights to a minimum, I take a fry from my lunch bag and throw it at her. It hits her square in the forehead and she gasps.

"If you weren't too busy making out with your boyfriend you would know, keep the PDA to a minimum, no one especially me wants to see that." She blushes a deep red and sits back sheepishly. "Sorry Hal, I forgot." I roll my eyes at her and look back at Asher who is now stuffing his face with my stolen carrots.

"Hey! What have I told you about eating  my food!"I scold as I steal the bag away from him and he pouts. "Well I'm sorry I'm hungry and didn't bring food okay!?" I throw my hands up into the air and give him a knowing look. "Well whose fault is that?"

"Definitely yours." I inhale a deep breath, trying to not e annoyed by him and his childish antics and raises his eyebrows at me. "Okay Whatever Charming. Just know that the next time I see Victoria I'll be sure to let her know about her son stealing other students food in the cafeteria." He narrows his eyes at me, "you wouldn't dare."

"Oh you know what I'm capable of."


Heyyo I'm back and ready to write, well sort of. I'm a little busy with finals rn but I promise when I have free time I'll try to update do y'all. Anyways I hope you enjoyed!

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