19 ~ Wait did you just call me cute!?

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Chapter 19 ~ Wait did you just call me cute!?

Sunlight seeps into my eyelids as I slowly pry them open and stifle a yawn. My hands go up to my eyes as I try to rub the sleep out of them. I almost fall out of the bed when I feel someone stir next to me. My head snaps over to the figure and I realize it's Asher. Everything from yesterday floods back as I remember why he is here. I inch myself off the side of the bed slowly, trying not to wake him and tiptoe to the door. A voice behind me starts to speak and I freeze.

"Going somewhere?" I sheepishly turn around, feeling myself blush. "Sorry didn't want to wake you, um how did you sleep?" He lets out a small laugh as he shakes his head.

"You look cute when you're nervous," my mouth falls agape. " I am not nervous, and I- wait did you just call me cute!?" I raise my eyebrows. He shrugs.

"So what if I did," he flirts playfully and I roll my eyes in return, "I'm going to go take a shower, eat whatever you can find downstairs I don't care." I say as I walk out the door and slam it behind me. I exhale as I walk into the bathroom and stare at my reflection. My hair is a gigantic frizzy mess of dark brown curls and dark circles are caked underneath my eyes.

Sleep is scarce for me these days, with the nightmares and all. I set my phone on the counter and start my playlist as I step into the shower and try to scrub off the uneasiness off of me. Halfway through my shower I hear the door open and I let out a scream.

"Kitten where do you keep the milk?" I hear him say and I pull the shower curtain open so only my head is seen. "What are you doing in here?" I manage to squeak out.

"Asking where the milk is..." he lets out slowly. I purse my lips and let out a sigh. "Top right corner, now please leave!" He nods and starts out the door but stops and turns to face me again.

"You have a good singing voice, especially on In my Blood, great pitch," my eyes widen as I gasp. "Get out!" I yell at him and he laughs as he closes the door behind him.


"So, what do you want to do?" I ask as we walk down the sidewalk. I look at him and he shrugs and stuffs his hands in his pockets. "You hungry?"

"Didn't you just eat?" I cock my head to the side and he laughs. "I'm always down to eat kitten, if you know what I mean?" I pretend to gag and shove him as he bursts into a fit of laughter.

"Your disgusting, I swear you have zero filter!" I giggle and he shakes his head. "But really are you hungry?" I bite my lip as I ponder the question and finally nod. A mischievous smile spreads across his face as he grabs my hand and pulls me towards the center of town. We spend about ten minutes chatting up a storm until we stop in front of an old styled diner.

"We're eating here?" I turn to him and he nods eagerly. "Best milkshakes in town," he says and I roll my eyes as he takes ahold of the door and the bell above it goes off. He takes me to the booth in the corner of the diner and sits down, gesturing for me to sit across him.  I slide into the seat, still gazing at the walls.

There was a mix of bubblegum pink, cotton candy blue and and assortment of red and white sprinkled around the place. Old records were nailed to the walls, covering the majority of them and were accompanied by the checkerboard tile and the jute box in the corner.

"You coming now?" I hear Asher clear his throat and I look at him stunned. "How did I not know this place existed here?" He sends me a shrug in response.

"Beats me, I've been here way too many times to count." I blink at him. "So why did you bring me here? What's your big reason?"

"Well it's not that interesting really. I used to go here with my sister when we wanted to get out of the house, it's always been a special place for me." I nod in understandment just as the waitress comes up to us on her roller skates.

"What can I get you two?" My eyes scan the menu as Asher stares at me intently. I quickly try to decide what to order. I go to open my mouth to ask for more time but Asher beats me to it. "The lady and I will have the burger special and two chocolate milkshakes," he says as he takes my menu and hands both of ours to the waitress. She takes them unenthusiastically and rolls off.

"Well isn't she a ray of bright yellow happiness." I say sarcastically which earns a snort from Asher. "Yeah she's not all that chipper, but Benny, he is my man. Best chef you will ever encounter." he points out and I let out a small laugh. Silence starts to settle between us as I recognize that Asher isn't really in the present. He looked more like he was stuck inside his thoughts.

"What's on your mind?" I ask as I rest my chin in the heal of my hand, waiting. His eyes wander downwards as he prepares himself to answer.

"A lot of things kitten, a whole lot of things," he states bluntly as his head falls into his hands. I raise my eyebrows. "Care to elaborate..."


Long time no see, sorry about my two week break I was kinda lost a little in how I wanted the plot to go while drowning in schoolwork so it's really a miracle that this is written. Anyways that you so much for almost 290 reads it means the world to me that people are reading my book and I really appreciate all of y'all.
Yours truly,

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