20 ~ I know a pretty solid place to hide a body

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Chapter 20 ~ I know a pretty solid place to hide a body

He moves his fingers to peek at me, making me burst into a fit of laughter at how adorable he is being. I immediately mentally slap myself on how stupid I was acting, there is no way in hell I have feelings for him. I can't have feelings for him. He lets his hands fall to tabletop and sighs.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to I-" I start but he cuts me off. "No I want to, I do it's just I Well not me it's more just my dad. I know you haven't really met him yet but he," He searches for the word. "He's a pretty head strong person. He's dead set on me going to a university in London, apparently the best of the best, but I don't really know. "

"He's the reason I went to that boarding school in London, he went when he was my age, then Brendon, then Christian and now me. Don't get me wrong, it was a great opportunity but there was a reason I came back early and I'm just not quite sure if I want to go back." I nod, ignoring the urge to ask about his past, and grab his hand and his face softens.

"So what happened with your dad ?" I ask concerned on how his face changes and his eyebrows furrow. " I told my dad I didn't want to go back to London and things got heated. So I left. Sure, my mom calmed him down before I did something stupid but I didn't want to go back to my house after that. So instead I left, and evidently I made some pretty stupid decisions. Some pretty bad decisions." As he finishes I raise my eyebrows curiously.

"How bad are we talking, like murder or kidnaping, because I know a pretty solid place to hide a body." I attempt to joke, trying to get a smile out of him. He rolls his eyes and lets out a small chuckle.

"I'm serious kitten," he emphasizes and I narrow my eyes. "As am I, I'd be a pretty good serial killer, no joke." He sits back as his lips form into a slim line.

"Okay all jokes aside, what did you do?" He lets his hand run down his face as his eyes meet mine. "Do you know the grey foxes?" I blink my eyes in confusion. Isn't that a gang? "Um yeah why?" Then it clicks.

"Please don't tell me involved with them Asher," His eyes drop to floor as he chews on his bottom lip nervously. "What have you done for Lance Ash, tell me." I look of shock washes over his face.

"I- wait how did you know Lance?" I was really hoping that he wasn't going to ask that question. "My Mom was involved with them when she was in her teen years, she told me about it. Apparently he's been around for a while. So what gives?"

"I haven't done anything too major, Avery caught up with them a few years back before she cleaned up her act and got out by the price of me. I've dealt a few times but everything is paid off sometimes I just hang around when I need to let off steam. I got into a fight with my dad again so I left my house and apparently got drunk off my âss, so I went to the first place I could think of."

"So you were with him for the past few days?" He crosses his arms as he leans back and nods. "As long I don't get into too much trouble I'll be fine. But honestly I'd rather it be me than Av it's not that big of a deal I just want to make sure everything is all good with them now," I crack a smile at him. " I feel, I'd do the same for Lo if I was in that position." He opens his mouth to say something but the waitress come back with our food. Asher digs into his food as I do the same.

"You should talk to Noah sometime soon." I say in between bites and he nods in agreement, his mouth full of food. "He is probably at my house to be honest, I should probably go back tonight. My mom has been blowing up my phone nonstop for the past few days." He says casually as I let out a small laugh.

"Yeah that might be a good idea. Do you want me to come with you?" I say and he ponders the idea for a second and then nods. "Yeah I'd like that very much,"

I shrug, "That's what friends are for." An amused look flashed over Asher's face as he rests his head as on his hand. "Oh so we're friends now?"


"You ready?" Asher nods whilst gazing at the house. "My mom's going to kill me," he mutters underneath his breath as we both step out of the car and start walking side by side on the side walk. His hand grazes mine cautiously, as if asking for permission and I comply and grasp onto his hand.

His fingers interlace with mine as his thumb brushes circles around the top. I squeeze his hand gently as we approach the door and Victoria is standing there. Her arms crossed over each other and a stern look stoned into her face.

"Mom I-" Asher tries to start but his mother shushes him. "Asher Grant Black where in the hëll have you been, I have been worried sick! Oh and hello Halston, nice to see you again" She says as she pulls both of us inside into the entryway where we stand face to face with the one and only Harrison Black.

"Father," Asher nods to him in respect but Harrison's eyes are glued on me. "Son, who is this girl you brought into my house?" Victoria walls up next to me and puts her hands on my shoulders.

"Honey this is Halston, one of Asher's friends," she says and try to shoot him a friendly smile, but he is only concerned with our interlaced hands. I glance down and pull mine away from his and Harrison's glance goes to his watch.

"I should go, I have a meeting with Shockcourse in 20 minutes, Brendon is with them in London as we speak." he goes and kisses Victoria on the lips and nods at Asher as he walks out the door.

"Ash, Noah and Avery are upstairs go head up there," Victoria says as she pulls Asher into a side hug and kisses his forehead. "I'm glad you came back honey," Asher nods. "Me too mum,"

"Let's go upstairs." He says as he glances at me and pulls me through the dining area and up the stairs. I swear I will never not be lost in this house. We walk up to Avery's room and the sight isn't the one I thought we were going to see. Avery and Noah's faces we inches away from each other.


Hey y'all, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it dives into Asher's past a little bit more and also if you're confused Avery got involved with the Grey Foxes in like 10th grade and Asher saved her but he still sometimes goes to test the water with them, usually it's when he's wasted or wasn't to be wasted. The family doesn't know but Marcus does. Anyways I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and thanks for almost 300 reads!

Gerard Butler as Harrison Black

Gerard Butler as Harrison Black

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