18 ~ I didn't mean to

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Chapter 18 ~ I didn't mean to

My finger brushes against Noah's number as I internally debate whether I should call him or not. He did say if I hear from him I need to let him know, but then again do I really even know if Asher would want him to know? The door to the bathroom opens, breaking my thoughts and Asher walks out and sits in the chair next to me.

I turn to him and hand him a glass of water and two ibuprofen. He gladly takes them and gulps the water down and hands the glass back to me. I grab it and set on the table, then face him.

"So, are you okay?" I ask as he runs his hands through his hair and shakes his head. "I jus- I - I need to lay low for a little while," he finally gets out.

"Get involved with the wrong people?" I say and his eyes widen as a look of shock spreads across his face. "How'd you know?" I let out a small giggle at his face expression.

"Noah told me, he's worried about you, you know." He bits his lip nervously, and sexy might I add wait no you don't have feeling for him Halston get your mind out of the gutter, and his eyes wander up to meet mine.

"I know, I.... man I fücked up big time this time," he says as his head falls into his hands. "Hey, I'm sure it's not that bad, just tell me what it is so I can help?"

"No I don't want to get you involved, you're already too far in already," I look at him confused. "By knowing you?" He nods, then proceeds to get up out of his chair and I rush after him.

"Ash just tell me," I try to grab his shoulder to turn him around but he yanks himself out of my grip. "Can't you understand that's it's better if you don't know anything!" He spurs, his words oozing with anger as he throws a fist at the wall. I flinch away from him and his eyes fill with guilt.

"Shït I'm sorry kitten, I didn't mean to I-" I cut him off as I shake my head. "No it's okay I, um I'm going to sleep in the bedroom, you can sleep on the couch. Blankets and pillows are in the cabinet next to the tv, Goodnight Asher." I quickly grab my phone off the counter and walk to my bedroom and I hear Asher sigh. I crawl into my bed and pull the covers up to my chin, at least I know that he's alive.


Objects were flying everywhere, glass was shattering against the wall and I jump away from it so it didn't pierce me. A cloaked figure inches towards me, their face is too blurry to make out who it is. They keep getting closer as I push myself backwards, stumbling, until my back hits the wall. The figure creeps closer to me until its three inches away from my face and they reach their hand out and tuck a piece of hair behind my ear. The face becomes clearer and I can finally see who it is. My dad. I let out a strangled scream and try my best to wiggle out of his reach.

I jolt out of sleep to see Asher hovering over me, his mouth moving but I'm unable to make out what he's saying. He sits on the edge of my bed and reaches his arm over me and pulls me up. Hot tears threaten to spill out of my eyes as he brings me to his chest and rocks me back and forth. I can finally hear what he is saying as he starts to whispered in my ear.

"Hey, you're okay, you're safe. It's alright, everything is fine, It's not real." The tears stream down my face and I quickly wipe them away and pull out of his warm embrace. His eyes are full of worry and he reaches for my arm, but I pull away from his touch.

"I-I'm sorry I w-woke you," I manage to stutter out whilst I stare into his eyes, trying to will the slaking to go away. "It's fine, I was awake already. Couldn't sleep." I nod, understanding where he was coming from. I could barely sleep knowing that Asher was just downstairs. It sends shivers through me just thinking about it, he was just so-

"Are you okay?" He asks, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Hmm?"

"You were screaming before I woke you?" He raises an eyebrow and  I realize what he was talking about. "Oh um it happens a lot, I'm fine it's just a dream," I answered.

"You should probably go try to go back to sleep, it's like 3:00 in the morning," Asher starts to get up but I reach out for his hand and I grab it. He slowly turns around to face me. "Can you stay?" I plead and he slowly nods, crawling next to me and settling down next to me. I close my eyes and start to drift off, listening to his breaths even as my eyes fall shut.


Herro, guess who's back, back, back, back again. It's me! I know this is a little shorter than usually but I wasn't really sure how this would turn out, and I ended up getting cut short which I'm kinda upset about but what can ya do. Anyways, I really hope you like this chapter and also this new banner below this. I only have enough WiFi to upload this quickly so, I hope you had an amazing day and happy Friday!

It's Complicated Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora