04 ~ Don't get your nickers in a twist

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Chapter 4 ~ Don't get your nickers in a twist

Payton and I walk into the lunchroom exactly mid day, making our way to the big wooden table in the middle of the linoleum and I sigh.

"It's not even halfway through the day and I'm already dead. " I grumble as I unwrap my sandwich. Peyton glances at me with raised eyebrows. "Mentally or physically?"

"Both I guess, people...people are assholes and like to be difficult," she nods in response and sighs. "Tell me about it." What's going on with her? Right as I was about to address why, I see Wren looking around for somewhere to sit.

"Wren, over here!" I shout, jumping up out of my seat and waving her over. She smiles as she sees me and excitedly runs over to us and sits down.

"Hey I was looking for you," she says as Pae shoots me a confused look and I mentally roll my eyes, of course I forgot introductions. Classic Halston.

"Sorry, Peyton this is Wren, She's new and is in my English class and Wren this is my best friend Peyton."  I gesture to both of them and Wren waves shyly to Peyton and she shoots her a gentle smile back.

"So Wren, where are you from?" Pae asks, stealing a carrot from me. "Well I came here from North Carolina because that's where my dad was stationed but they switched him to one here in Washington."

"So your an army brat?" Peyton asks and  I kick her shin, shooting a stern look her way. What is that supposed to mean?

"Chill Hal it's a phrase for a child whose parent is in the military," she says as Wren nods in agreement. "So what branch is he from?"

"Um Navy," she answers and I feel her discomfort with the subject, Peyton noticing also. She jumps back into the conversation, changing the subject.

"So did you hear that Asher is back?" She asks and I immediately start shifting  uncomfortably in my chair. Wren looks at both of us with a confused look on her face. "Who's Asher?"

"Oh he is this one guy in our grade who went to a boarding school in London, it's been three years but apparently he is back.

"Okay let's change the subject-" I blurt out, praying and searching for a person I was hoping would show up. A grin spreads across my face as the one and only Jillian Cross starts strutting across the lunchroom towards us. Pae turns her head into the direction that I was looking and immediately launches herself out of her seat.

She runs to him and jumps on him, making him stumble backwards as he laughs. He spins  her in a circle as he presses a kiss to her forehead and then they both make their way back to the table. Julian gave me a side hug and he sat down in the seat next to me.

"Nice to see you again J, how was New York?" I ask, shoving a carrot into my mouth as Pae is clinging onto his arm. "It was good, I missed you both a hell of a lot though." He answers gesturing to Pae and I.

"Well we missed you too you big lug," I joke, shoving him back a little as we chuckle. He was in New York with his sister and their dad for the summer. Audrey was moving there to go to Julliard and his dad owned his company down there so it was just logical for him to stay there. Him and Pae have been my best friends since grade 3 and in sophomore year him and Pae started dating. They've been inseparable ever since.

"So is anybody going to tell me who this is?" He asks, pointing to Wren.


"Hey Wren you should come with us to my house!" Pae suggests as we walk out of the school and into the parking lot. She looked at me for confrontation and I nod.

"Okay let's go then," I say as Wren joins us and Pae claps beside me. We got to the car and I was about to get in until I heard a deep voice behind me,

"Kitten, when are we going to work on our project?" I turn around to see Asher standing in front of me. "Um, does tomorrow work?" I ask as he looks at his phone and nods , then turns away.

"Oh and one more thing," I say as he turned back around. "What?"

"Stop calling me kitten." I demand and he chuckles in response.

"Never gonna happen kitten," he answers as I roll my eyes, he is no use of my time. Just as I was about to walk back to the car I hear another voice speak and I spin around. A boy around the same height as Asher jogged up to us, the top of his hair flipping from side to side

"And who might you be?" He smirks as he wraps his arm around Asher's shoulder. I raise my eyebrow unamused as I cross my right arm over the other. "Not your type," he looks taken aback at my sentence as his eyes widened in shock.

"Okay don't get your nickers in a twist, all pretty girls are my type." He said as he flashed me a smile and I internally groaned. "If that was your version of flirting I really hope your better in other areas, now if you'll excuse me I have to leave." I stated as I spun on my heel, walking to my car leaving them stand there dumbfounded. I huffed out a breath as I slid into the drivers seat and put the key into the ignition. "How the hell do YOU know Asher Black?" Peyton practically screamed as I ran my hands through my curls.

"Long story," I sighed.

"We have time."


Hello lovelies sorry for the late upload I got caught up in school but now that it's over I done have to worry about it anymore, yay! Remember to like, vote, and comment it's appreciated!

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