The last swaps

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Matt's Pov:

I really had no idea what was going on.

We were all standing like before, but... I was in Mark's body before, now I could see him a few steps away. This didn't happen like this before...we always passed out, but now...

"Holy shit!" I looked at whoever was Tom right now. "This is...awesome!" He poked his fingers into his eyes.

"Stop that, Edd!", the one in Eduardo's body growled.

"T-tom?", Edd gasped.

"Yeah, that's me." The bored expression on his face identified him as Tom, so Edd should have seen that coming.

"How do you know I am...?"

"You are the only person who would poke into my eyes." Tom picked a Smirnoff bottle up from the ground and took a long drink.

"Oh." Edd looked kind of embarrassed.

"What the hell?!", we heard the person in Tord's body yell. "What's wrong with that hair?!"

"Did you say something bad about my horns?!", my voice hissed. It was Tord!

What if they started to fight? My beautiful face would be hurt! I couldn't endure the thought of this, so I stepped between them. "Please don't fight, guys!"

"Are you back in your body or...?", the one in Tord's body asked.


"You just act a bit like Jon. And you are in his body." Oh. I never knew Jon acted this way.

"I am Matt, not Jon", I replied. "That's very easy to notice, actually."

Tord looked at the one in his body. "You are Eduardo, right?" Eduardo nodded.

"I am back in my body!", Mark cheered and we turned around seeing him jumping around and turning cartwheels. When he noticed we looked at him he stopped and hemmed. ", that was just..." Why was he back in his body and I wasn't? I should be the one who was!

"So Jon is in my body, huh?", Edd asked. Jon nodded quickly. "You know, I like you more than Eduardo, so I..."

The amulet glowed again and a light flashed in our faces. "Not the face!", I screamed, but then I realized how stupid it was. Everything got black, then white again.

Tom's Pov:

I looked down on my clothes and hands to immediately notice I was in Jon's body this time. It was...not that different from mine, but still...

"Why?! Why am I not in my body anymore?! I was back!", Edd yelled.

"So you are Mark?"

"Yes! And this dumb amulet puts me back in a wrong body!"

"I am Eduardo this time..." The person in Eduardo's body walked next to me. "That's great! He is my hero!"

"Jon?", Mark asked. "Could you do me a favour?"

"What is it?"

"Don't say that in front of Eduardo, it will only make everything worse."

"Oh. Okay..." It was always annoying to see Eduardo treating Jon bad, but why should I care? It would never end bad and right now I had better things to do.

"Ugh", I said and walked in the direction of the other four. Tord was sitting on the ground, sighing and looking at a mirror in a very sad way. So he was Matt.

"...amulet is making fun of me. I am in the body of a freak!", the person in my body shouted. Eduardo. That sucker called me a freak? I knew much worse insults I could call him.

"Don't call him freak, jerk. That's my job!", the person in Mark's body shouted. He was obviously Tord. Did he just kinda protected me? That was...nice.

"I don't care who calls Tom a freak and why", Edd hissed. He was in Matt's body again and he didn't seem to like it at all. "I care more about switching our bodies back to normal."

"Yeah, that's probably more important", I answered.

They whirled around. "How long have you been standing there?!", Tord asked.

"Long enough."

"How can you always sneak to another place so fast without being noticed?"

"I don't sneak. You guys just don't listen and watch carefully enough."

The amulet in Edd hands started to glow again. It happened faster than before and the light filled the room in within a second. My vision became black, then white.

Jon's Pov:

When I opened my eyes again and looked down the first thing I noticed was that I was back in my body. "Yay!", I cheered and hugged myself tightly.

"Hey, I am back in my body!", Eddie yelled.

"Me too." Tom leaned against the wall, grinning. "Finally!"

It looked like Matt also had his body back because he sat on the floor with a mirror in his hands and stared at his reflection with a happy smile on his face.

Tord laughed. "I am back!"

"Finally this ended", Mark sighed. "Everyone is back in the right body." He threw the amulet against the wall next to Tom.

And it started to glow again.

"Shit", Eduardo murmured.

"What the fuck", Tord muttered.

"Please, not again", Mark said.

"Nope!", Tom said and started hitting the amulet with a harpoon. "Nope, nope, nope!" When he was finished there were two broken halves.

"Nooooo!", Matt cried.

"This junk made us swap bodies, Matt!", Edd shouted.

"But it's still beautiful!"

"The things you call beautiful are all ugly", Tord answered.

"Red leader?", someone yelled from outside.

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