A magic amulet

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While Tord asked to get his old room back, Matt remembered that he wanted to show his friends something. He left to go for it. The others didn't notice that he was gone until he came back.

"Hey guys! Look what I bought yesterday!", Matt said when he came into the room again. He showed them an amulet with a crystal in the middle which changed its colour in the light. It looked like it was made of plastic.

"Er...Matt...what is so special about this thing?", Tord wanted to know.

"It's junk. Throw it away.", Tom commented. Matt ignored him.

"It is awesome! It might be an antique! The man I bought it from told me it is a magic amulet but I don't know what kind of magic it is.", he smiled.

"How much Money have you paid for...this thing?", Edd asked him. Matt hiked his shoulders. "It cost as much as those harpoon guns Tim bought.", He answered.

"Tom.", Tom corrected. "Seriously Matt, you shouldn't spend your Money for this rubbish.", he said.

"YOU sold the Sofa to buy a harpoon gun.", Edd remembered him. "THIS is rubbish, too." Then he looked to Matt. "It doesn't look any magical. You have been set up."

Matt was angry now. You just don't know what is awesome!", he shouted. He turned to Tord for help. "But you think it's an antique, don't you, Todd?"

"Tord.", Tord corrected him. He wasn't here to be together with the others. They were just a means to an end. He just wanted to get the giant Robot he left here and take over the world with it. He had no time to get annoyed by Matt and his stuff. He had better Things to do.

"I agree with Edd and Tom. It Looks like it is a plastic amulet you can buy in a costume shop. I don't think it's a magic amulet.", Tord explained.

"It is valuable!", Matt shouted. "You guys are stupid!" Then he bursted into tears.

Tord wanted to say something but Tom interrupted him: "Just shut up, sunshine lollipops. It is your fault he is crying now.", Tom hissed. Maybe Edd or Matt would be on his side now?

"Tom! Stop being so rude!", Edd called. "It is also your fault!"

"Edd, that's my bussiness.", Tom growled and glared at Tord.

"Classic stupid Tom.", Tord grined. "You really shouldn't be nasty to me." If Looks could kill Tord would have died this moment.

"Shut the fuck up, commie!", Tom shouted.

"And if I won't, jehovah's witness?", Tord wanted to know.

"Stop right now!", Edd commanded when they started to fight.

They didn't notice that the crystal on the amulet in Matt's Hand suddenly began to glow. And even if they would have seen it they were too distracted by shouting and fighting. Only Matt stopped crying and stared at the amulet. He couldn't believe it. He wanted to tell it his friends.

"G-guys, the amulet...", he began but Tom hit Tord in the stomach. "...it is glowing!"

"Tom, Tord, stop it! I thought you wouldn't fight anymore!", Edd shouted. Now Tord hit Tom in his face.

Nobody listened to Matt. So he stopped trying to tell it his friends and observed the glowing crystal.

In this moment the light from the amulet filled the whole room.

Everyone froze and their eyes became white. Then they fell to the ground.

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