The junk shop

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Tom's Pov:

The place Matt led us was a junk shop. This was the place Matt got a magic amulet?  We considered for a moment. "What are you waiting for?", he asked us and entered the shop. We followed him. Things lay around everywhere on the ground and most of the stuff on the shelves were rubbish.

"You aren't serious, are you?", Tord groaned. He was nervous for some reason and  I had the feeling he hid something. I eyed him suspiciously.

"I am serious.", Matt answered.

"This is a junk shop!", I responded. "Everything in here is junk."

Edd sighed. "At least Matt remembers WHERE he bought the amulet." I know he was right. Matt always forgot my and Tord's names and he hadn't even known who Tord was. It wasn't a given that he still knew where he bought it.

An old woman walked to us. "How may I help you?", she asked and looked us over in turn.

Matt wanted to say something but Tord was faster than him. "One of my friends bought an amulet here yesterday. We want to know more about it.", he said quickly. We all knew that Matt would have said something stupid so I was glad the commie answered instead of him.

"This must be the amulet with the crystal on it my son sold yesterday.", the woman answered.

" you know something about it?", I wanted to know and put my hands in the pockets of the red hoodie. I could feel that something was in there and  I fetched it. I was disappointed because I thought it would be something I could blame him with but it were just a few cigars.

"There are rumours that the amulet has the power to swap bodies. I don't really believe it but there are many people who think it's true.", the old woman cawed.

"Why does it do this?", Edd questioned her. "I-if it's true.", he added quickly when she looked to him.

"If the owner of the amulet feels like the people around him don't understand the feelings of the others the amulet is switching their bodies.", she replied. I looked to Matt. His face became white. "But like I said before it's only a rumour."

"The owner?", Edd repeated.

Edd and Tord turned around to Matt. He looked like he would fall into a faint any moment.

"Thank you. I guess we will go now.", Edd said and walked backwards to the door. Tord tugged Matt to the shop door.

Tord's Pov:

"It's your fault!", I yelled at Matt when we were outside. "It is all your fault!" I seized him by the collar.

"Tord, they are all staring at us. Would you mind not to catch everyone's attention?!", Edd asked nervous. I glared at him. "You don't care it's his fault we aren't in our own bodies?", I hissed.

"Calm down, commie.", Tom said. "You won't make it any better if you are yelling."

"How shall I know the amulet swaps bodies?", Matt wanted to know. The idiots didn't know anything. They didn't know I was the leader of an army. They didn't know what I hid under their house.

I put Matt down but I was still angry. He looked afraid. Tom stepped to me. It was still weird to see him being in my body. I could only hope he wouldn't cross Paul and Patryk's path. There has never been a worse time to swap bodies with him.

I thought taking the robot and taking over the world would be easy but I didn't want to leave as Edd. I was the red leader and my army wouldn't recognise me if I were Edd! I had to get my body back before I took my robot.

"We don't even know how to swap our bodies back! Why are we here now?", Matt asked Edd. "We could tell her about the body swap!"

"Great idea.", Tom answered with dry sarcasm. "She already said she doesn't believe in this body swap thing."

"She doesn't look like she would now more about it. And what do you think she would do if we tell her what happened to us? I don't think she would believe what we tell here.", Edd answered.

I walked away from them to calm down. But then I something on the wall. It was a picture of me and it said: Wanted for 1.500.000 pounds.

"Nonono!", I screamed. I crumpled it up and stuffed it into the pockets of Edd's hoodie. As soon as I have my body back they can find it, I thought. I hoped this was the only picture of me the police hung up.

"Hey, Tord, is something wrong?", Edd wanted to know. He must have had my scream and suddenly stood behind me.

"N-no, everything is fine Edd!", I laughed.

"We should try to swap us back at home.", Matt suggested. "Maybe it works!" They were all annoying. I couldn't wait to get back to my army.

We agreed and went back to their house.

None of us knew what mistake we did to leave the amulet at home.

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