Monster secret

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Toms Pov:

I just couldn't believe it. Matt had turned into a monster. I mean, I had always known my secret would come out some day, but not like this. Now I had to find Matt, who was definitely confused and scared, and needed to hide him. Could this day get any worse? And what should I tell Matt?

I called his name while I ran around and looked for a black and purple monster. What if the millitary was killing him? What if he ended up in a lab?

"Matt? Matt, please! Where are you?" I knew how hard it was not to get into trouble while I was a monster. Where would Matt hide? At a mirror shop?

To be in Tord's body was bad, but Matt transforming into a monster because he was in my body...

"Matt?" I went to a park to calm down a bit and think about where Matt could be. I noticed a few empty trash can liners next to a house. They were big enough to carry a monster in it if it was half transformed.

I went under a tree and considered how I could find him. It wasn't like he suddenly appeared in my near.

"T-tom...?", a voice whispered from above. I looked up to see Matt.

"Matt, what are you doing on a tree?", I asked and hoped there weren't and people who saw us.

"Hiding", he answered. "Tom, what do I do now?"

"Right now you have transformed Ingo a monster and are hiding on a tree in a park.", I responsed.

"I already know that!", he cried. His tail wagged while he spoke. I saw he was struggeling to make the tail stop. "Tom, why am I transforming?"

I wished I knew the answer to this question. It startend all of a sudden and I had no idea what happened to me. "I don't know Matt, but I have an idea to get you home without being seen."

"Yay!", he cheered. He got his hope up to high. I walked back to the house with the empty trash can liners and grabbed one. When I came back Matt was smiling, but when he jumped on the ground and saw the trash can liner his smiled faded.

" I won't be carried in THAT THING.", he whined. "It will ruin my hair!"

I really wanted to slap him. "Matt, you are in MY body!"

"Oh. Okay, I will let you carry me with it, but as soon as we are home you have to answer a few question I have.", he replied.

"Ugh. Fine."

He climbed in the trash can liner and I tried to carry it away without beging looked at. It was pretty hard. And Matt wanted to talk to me. "Tom, I have a question..."

"Be quiet!", I snarled.

"Mister, did you murder someone and carry the dead body away?", a little boy asked me when I passed a playground.


"So you kidnapped someone?" I wasn't listening and just said "Yes". It wasn't my problem if the police arrested Tord because he kidnapped someone.

I am sure Matt heard it because he made noises and moved in the trash can liner. I hoped the claws weren't sharp enough to cut through it. The boy stared at me for a moment, them he ran away.

"Tom...", Matt mumbled, but I ignored him. I didn't want to hear his opinion.

I knew it was a bad idea to use the front door to go into my room while I carried Matt in a trash can liner because he transformed into a monster. Edd and Tord would ask questions and I didn't want them to find out my secret, too. So I looked if the window to my  room was opened. I had luck, it was.

I threw the trash can liner into the room before I climbed in there, too.

"Why did you do that?", Matt whimpered when he came out of the trash can liner. "I fell on my arm. It hurted!" I rolled my eyes. He really couldn't handle much pain.

"It's not your body", I answered annoyed.

He looked at me. "You told me you would answer my questions", he said.

"Yes", I sighed. Matt wasn't clever enough to ask questions I couldn't answer. They would be about what Edd was doing with Matt's body, if we found out how to swap back...

"You are the monster which attacked Edd and Eduardo, aren't you?" Fuck.

Matts Pov:

Tom stared at me. What were his feelings? Was he angry or scared? I couldn't tell what he was feeling, I never knew it.

"What are you talking about?", he asked.

"Tom, I know you are the monster. Don't lie."
I looked at my claws. I had already seen the monster, but now it was different. Tom's body hadn't completely turned into the monster, I realised.

"Matt? Tom? Are you here?", Edd called us. We paused for a moment.

"Hide", Tom commanded, whispering.

"No", I whispered back. "First you have to tell me the truth."

"I won't- fine, I AM the monster which attacked them. Now go and hide!", he hissed. I was right! I knew it! I almost cheered, but Tom pushed me away from the door. "Hide! Now it's your problem, too!"

I looked around. "I don't know where... Maybe under the bed?"

"Just hide!"

I jumped under the bed, two or three seconds before Edd entered the room. Slowly I crept into the backmost and darkest corner under the bed.

Of course the whole monster thing wasn't my problem, but I didn't want Edd or Tord to find it out. Maybe when I was in my body again.

"Hey, Tom!" Edd's voice sounded worried. He seemed to be afraid of something. "Did you find Matt?"

"Yes- no, I mean, yes, I found him, but he decided to stay at a mirror shop.", Tom lied. I saw the monster tail moving. How could I make it stop?

"Oh, okay. But when he comes back, please tell him we need to talk. Something is...happening", Edd answered.

"What do you mean?", Tom asked.

"The body swap thing is changing us. Our personality.", Edd explained.

What?!  Was that true? I squeaked. Maybe a bit too loud.

"What was that?", Edd wanted to know. He walked to the bed to look under it. Nonononono!

"I-I think nothing. Let's talk about this when Matt is back." With that words Tom pushed him out of his room.

"But-" Edd had no chance to say more.

"We will talk later." Tom closed the door and locked it. "That was close", he mumbled.

"And what do we do know?", I asked while I stood up.

"Waiting until you turn back, of course", he answered.

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