This isn't any better

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Toms Pov:

What the hell happened...? I opened my eyes and moaned. It took me almost a minute until I remembered everything what happened today and why I was laying on the ground. Tord came back, we swapped bodies, Matt turned in a monster in my body and...Did we swap bodies again? We passed out like the last time, maybe we swapped bodies again. It would make sense.

I stood up and felt giddy for a moment. Man, the body swap thing felt worse than the last time.

Next to me No, Matt was in my body right now. So nothing happened? We were still in the wrong bodies? But why was I suddenly next to my body? I fought with Tord when this happened!

Unless we swapped our bodies, but not the way we wanted it to happen. So none of us was in the right body, but in the body of someone else.

Tord's and Edd's bodies were in the near of me. I was in Tord's body before we swapped the second time. So that meant I was Matt now. "Lame." Yep, that was Matt's voice.

When I looked at the body I was in I saw the purple hoodie and the green overcoat. At least Matt wouldn't overreact this time like he did before.

I heard moaning behind me, so I turned around and saw whoever was in Edd's body now moving.

"Edd?", he asked when he opened his eyes. He blinked a few times. "What is going on?"

"We swapped bodies again", I answered.

"Really? Do I have my face again?" So this was obviously Matt.

"What do you see when you look at me?", I snarled. How can one person be that dumb? I was standing in front of him in his body and he asked if he was himself again.


"Yes Matt, you are in a different body again, but it's not yours", I answered and walked to him. He looked blank.

"Whose body is it?", he asked when he had finally understood what I said and stood up.

"Look into the mirror, then you'll know. And don't tell them ANYTHING about what happened to you when you were in my body, get it?"

"I can do whatever I want", he answered.

"And I can cut your hair very short."

"Y-you wouldn't do that! Please, I won't tell them!", he begged.

"Good", I smirked. My secret was safe for now. As long as I was in Matt's body at least. I was just worried my body would turn into a monster again while someone else was in it.

Edds Pov:

Did... Did it work? I thought, when I opened my eyes.

"Good", I heard Matt's voice saying. If someone talked with Matt's voice it meant...We really swapped bodies.

"Guys?", I moaned. No, this was definitely not my voice. My voice didn't have a Norwegian accent. I seemed to be in Tord's body. It wasn't any better than Matt's body, but at least we knew more about how to swap bodies.

"Tom!", my voice shouted.

"We swapped bodies again, Matt. I am Tom. I think this is Edd." I raised my head and saw myself and Matt standing there. Well, the bodies of me and Matt. Tom was in Matt's now and Matt in mine.

"I am in Tord's body?", I asked.

"Yes, you are", Tom replied.

Tom reached out to me and I seized his hand. "So Tord is in your body this time?", I questioned.

He didn't seem very happy about it. "It looks like he is and I hope he won't do anything stupid like Matt did."

"What do you mean?! I just wanted to know your feelings! The best way to do that is doing what you do!"

I looked at me. "You really got drunk?"

"I do everything for my beautiness."

This was the moment Tord finally woke up. "What the hell happened?", he asked and looked at us. "We didn't swap bodies again, did we?"

"Yeah, we swapped bodies again", I answered with a nervous smile. I hoped he wouldn't freak out or get angry because he wasn't in his real body yet.

"Okay...then who is who?"

"Edd is in your body, Matt is in Edd's body and I am in Matt's. You are in mine", Tom explained.

"Sooo I can..."

"Don't even think about doing weird stuff in my body, commie. We just need to swap our bodies again with fighting and everything will be normal again." He held the amulet in the air and grinned.

"Sounds great", I said.

"As long as nothing unexpected happens...", Tord mumbled and looked at Tom who shook the amulet.

"The battery is low. Please put in a new battery", a robotic woman's voice said.

"I thought the amulet is magic? Why does it need batteries?", Tom asked.

"Please put in a new battery", the woman's voice repeated.

"That's because the girl who writes this fan fiction doesn't want us to swap back now. She enjoys writing a long book about all of us having our problems in each other's bodies", I answered. My friends looked at me for a few seconds.

"Stupid author girl", Tom mumbled and crossed his arms.

"Okay, where are the batteries?", Tord asked, rolling with his eyes.

"We don't have any batteries", Matt said. "I used them all for the mirrors which glow in the dark." Matt had mirrors which glow?

"Please put in a new-"

"Shut up!", Tord yelled at the amulet. "Shut the fuck up or I will shoot you with a gun!" None of us really expected an answer, but...

"Rude", the woman said, but stopped saying that. All of us stared at the amulet.

"Er...okay, that was...weird, but now we know we don't have any batteries we should buy a few", I suggested.

"Alright", my friends answered.

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