Are you serious?!

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Tom's Pov:

When we entered our house again Edd was in a bad mood.

"Eduardo is such an idiot!", he mumbled angrily and gave Matt the amulet.

"I think so, too.", Tord replied. "He almost killed me." I rolled with my eyes. I wouldn't mind if he were dead but Edd would definitive care about him. And Matt...he would forget it like he always did.

"Whatever", Edd sighed. "We need to find a way to get our bodies back."

"We could all touch the amulet. Maybe something happens.", Matt suggested and held the amulet in front of us.

We didn't have any better idea so we all put our hands on the amulet. Edd closed his eyes. Well, actually Matt's eyes. I don't know how long we were standing there like that but nothing happened. Nothing.

"Why are we doing this again?", Edd questioned us.

"We overlook something.", Tord suspected. "This is the only reason why we don't switch back."

"Matt, did the man who gave you the amulet tell you anything about this...thing?", I asked Matt.

"Er..." Matt tried to remember. "I didn't really listen to him. I was looking in my mirror when he talked with me."

"Oh, come on!", Tord shouted. "You DIDN'T LISTEN to him? Are you serious?!"

"He said something about body swap and this stuff. I can't remember everything!", Matt whined.

"H-he said something about body swap?", Edd repeated. He couldn't believe what he heard.

"Matt, he told you the amulet can swap bodies and you didn't listen? And now you remember he said something about it?" Tord was really angry. "Do you know how stupid this is?!"

"Had this man told you anything about swap bodies back?", I wanted to know. I tried to stay calm but I was really angry. I didn't want to be stuck in this body forever!

"I already told you, I didn't listen what he said!", Matt cried. He finally realized he had made a big mistake but it was too late now. We couldn't find out what we need to get our own bodies back. The whole thing was his fault. And we didn't know what we should do. "I...I am sorry!" His eyes were filled with tears.

"Go away!", Tord hissed. "You have caused enough trouble!" He looked like he would hit Matt any moment.

Edd didn't say anything. He just looked away. It seemed like he didn't want to talk to Matt.

I did the same. I couldn't believe he had forgotten to tell us such a important thing! I really wanted to cry or something but I couldn't. I remembered the day my father died because Matt had given the bear a gun. What if I was stuck in Tord's body forever?

Matt looked at all of us. "Please, Tim!", he whispered.

"For the last time: My name is TOM!", I yelled. "WHY is it so difficult to remember for you?!"

He backed off. Then he turned around and went to his room. "I am sorry.", he said again.

"You really should be!", Tord growled. "We might be stuck in the wrong bodies until we die!"

He left us and walked back into his room. Maybe we should have called him back. But we all were too angry.

Matt's Pov:

I entered my room and sighed. I asked myself why I didn't listen to the guy who gave me the amulet. Now it was too late.

I didn't even know how we could swap our bodies back! This was the worst day of my life!

I passed one of my mirrors when I walked to my bed to sit down. Like always I looked in it and saw Tim. Wait, his name was Tom. I really wanted to have my body back. My beautiful face...

What should I do? My friends were angry and disappointed. More angry, I guess. I sat down on my bed and wept inconsolably. This was unfair! Why did this had to happen?

But then I cogitated. The amulet swaps bodies if the people around it don't understand each other. Wasn't this the words of the old lady in the shop?

I stopped crying. The amulet wanted us to understand each other better. If that was true...

I gasped. We just had to find out more about each other and the feelings of the others! I cheered.

I stood up and wanted to run down to the others. "Guys, I-!" I remembered the reason I cried. How could I forget it?

If I was wrong they would blame me for it and be angrier than before. No, it was a better idea if I wouldn't tell them. The best thing to do was to leave the house. They were still in the living room so this wouldn't be a problem.

I sneaked out of the house without someone noticing I was gone. Maybe they would find it out later but then I would have found a solution for it.

I felt sick. A strange feeling was in my body I never felt before. I couldn't tell what it was but one minute later it disappeared. Maybe I just imagined it.

I walked down the street and thought about swapping our bodies back. How could I understand Tom?

I noticed a little girl staring at me. It was because of Tom's eyes. Everybody stared at Tom's eyes. I had just never noticed it before.

"Don't you know it's rude to stare?!", I snarled. The girl ran away.

Wow, I never knew I could be like this. Maybe that was the right way to understand him: to act like he does.

I knew what he always did, I saw it hundreds of times. If I really wanted to get my body back I had to act like him. It was hard but I would do it. For my beautiful face.

I noticed Jon who was in one of the supermarkets. Oh, wait, it was Eduardo in Jon's body, I forgot.

No, I didn't want to be distracted. What should I do to act like Tom?

Then some strange idea came into my mind. I hated this idea but if I really wanted to get my body back I had to do it.

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