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Tom's Pov:

"It's very kind of you to teach me how to act like you!", Matt smiled when we entered my room. At least I still had it. Tord would never get my room!

"I'm only helping you because I need my own eyes to get Susan out of the safe. The safe has to be unlocked with an eye scan.", I answered.

"Awww." Matt looked sad but I didn't really care about his feelings. I just gave him a piece of paper on which I had written down some of the sentences I said. I still didn't know why I made them but now it turned out to be a good idea.

"Your strange holy lines?", he asked me. "I have to say them?"

"Yeah, but this aren't the only sentences you have to say. And you have to look like you don't care or you are angry or drunk.", I sighed. We all could have gone to our stupid neighbours, grab the amulet and switch us back. But no, Edd didn't want to do that, he want that we act like each other. Did he really think it would be a good idea if Matt acted like me?

Matt tried to look careless but he looked really stupid. "Er...yeah..."

"I don't think this is a good idea, Tim.", he told me.

"Same. It wasn't my idea, it was Edd's. And my name is Tom." He knew his own name but he always forgot mine. It was annoying. I just hoped he won't call the commie Tom after we would get our bodies back.

Matt began to read my lines  but he didn't look like he liked to read them aloud.

"Holy Trombones on a Pogo stick..." He shot a glance at me.

"Holy Mongoose in a Monster Truck..."


It was a strange moment to hear Matt saying my lines. Actually one of the strangest moments which ever happened.

Then he tried to look like me again. It looked horrible.

"Stop it. Just say my lines, okay?"

"Tom, I don't think I can memorise them...", Matt mumbled. At least he said my name in right now.

I sighed. "I think you are right. Let's go back to Edd."

Tord's Pov:

"You want me to act up? Seriously?", I asked Edd stunned.

"Well, I always do when Eduardo is there so you have to do it, too.", he sighed.

I shook my head. "It doesn't matter what the neighbours think about us!", I shouted. "We just want to have this amulet back!"

My nerves were frazzled. I just wanted to have my giant robot to take over the world and now I had to act like Edd. I should have invented my robot in the red army base.

"And you know how to act like Matt, do you?", I questioned him.

"Of course!", he answered angrily.

The others came in. Tom looked annoyed and Matt seemed to be nervous.

"How did it go?", Edd wanted to know.

"Great.", Tom answered with dry sarcasm but Edd didn't notice it.

"Good, then we will visit the neighbours now and get the amulet back.", he commanded.

We didn't really know what we should do when we were at the neighbour's house. I didn't know them well and Edd was Eduardo's biggest rival so Tom simply knocked at the door.

"Why is nobody coming out?", Edd asked him after a few minutes of waiting.

"How the hell should I know?"

"Maybe they aren't home.", I deliberated.

"We can climb through the open window there.", Matt suggested.

I turned around. "What?!"

"There is an open window?", Edd wanted to know. "Where is it?"

"It's the kitchen window. Maybe we can steal into it and get the amulet back.", Matt said.

We all ran to the window and tried to see if there was anyone home.

"Edd! You are standing on my foot!", Tom whispered.

"I can't see anything!", Matt said loud.

"Be quite or they will notice us!", Edd answered as low as possible.

"I don't think they are here." I jumped through the window in the kitchen. I couldn't take it any longer to be in this body. What would happen if Paul and Patryk meet Tom? They would think he was me! No, I had to get my body back as soon as possible.

"Come on!", I hissed. They climbed through the window in the kitchen but they didn't seem like they liked to be here.

"Where do you think is the amulet, commie?", Tom wanted to know.

I hiked my shoulders. "We have to seek it, I guess. We don't know when they are here again so we have to very fast."

"Er...guys...?", Edd mumbled.

"What is wrong now?", I growled.

"They are here..." He pointed in the living room. The neighbours were all laying on the ground for some reason. What happened here? Did they switched their bodies, too?

Matt and Tom came to us and stared at the neighours on the ground.

"Holy Mongoose in a Monster Truck!", Matt shouted. Wait! Matt?!

"Why are you saying one of Tom's lines?!", Edd questioned him nervous and grabbed his hoodie.

"I told him to learn them but I didn't think he would actually say one like I do.", Tom explained.

"We should wake them and ask if they swapped their bodies, too.", Matt suggested.

Edd set eyes on him. "Are you serious?! They will-"

"I think it's a good idea.", Tom interrupted him.

"Or we can take the amulet and leave right now.", I said. "The amulet is right here." I pointed on the ground where I saw the amulet.

We all wanted to take the amulet and go home but then one of the three men, a blond one who was called Mark or something like that opened his eyes.

Oh shit!

Eddsworld body swapWhere stories live. Discover now