Secrets can't be hidden anymore

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Tord's Pov:

"Before we try to swap bodies again I have a question." Tom looked at me. "Why was there a giant robot under our house Tord? Why do you have a secret lab in my room? Just...just why?"

I sighed. I knew it was time to explain the whole thing. Why did I think this was a good idea again? Coming back, get my hat and my hadn't worked. Why did I think betraying my friends would end the way I wanted it? Ruling an army and taking over the world...was that really what I wanted? I kind of missed the adventures with them. That was the only thing I didn't lie about. And now I failed doing the things I came back for only to realise... I had been an idiot the whole time.

"I...I am sorry." Tears started to fill my eyes. Was this regret filling my heart because I was in Jon's body or because of my own feelings? I couldn't really tell.

"Tord?", Matt asked.

"YEAH, COLA!", Edd yelled and ran to the giant cola puddle. "HURRAY!"

"You won't drink that shit in my body! Especially not lick it from the grass!", Eduardo yelled and followed him.

"Excuse me? You can't tell me what I have to do, Eduardo! Cola is my life!"

"Sorry?", Tom repeated surprised. "Sorry for what?" I bursted out into tears and hugged him tightly. He exchanged looks with Matt, not knowing what to do now. "Er..."

"I'm sorry for wanting to betray you! I am sorry for wanting to hurt you! I am... such an idiotic asshole..."

"I think we should leave them alone", Mark muttered. He and Jon walked away and laughed about Edd licking the cola while Eduardo yelled at him.

"What do you mean, Tord?", Matt asked. "Is this because you are the leader of the red army?"

I stared at him in shock. "How the hell do you know that?!"

"I read your diary because I wanted to know what you think about me", he answered.

"Were you also the person who sold Edd's and my embarrassing pictures, diaries and belongings to the neighbours?", Tom asked.

"Yes, I did that because I was bored!", Matt shouted, but then he realised what he just said. "I mean no, I didn't do any of that!" He laughed nervously.

"Yeah sure, Matt...", Tom murmured and turned back to me. "So you are the leader of an army?"

"Y-yeah..." I wished I hadn't burst into tears and started telling them. They would hate me now. "I am the leader of the...Red Army." I expected gasps yelling and Tom slapping me, but nothing happened. Why?

"Red Army? I have...never heard anything about it", Tom said.

"You...did not? I thought it would be world news. We already took over Norway."

"World News? We never watch them because Edd calls them boring." Really? Edd was an idiot if he really did that.

"What kind of name is that? 'Red Army'. Let me guess, everyone wears red", Matt grinned.

"Y-yes, we do", I replied.

"Ha! I knew it!", Matt cheered.

"It still doesn't explain why you have" He stopped, looked at the destroyed room and corrected "Why you had a secret lab and a giant robot here, Tord."

"I want to know that, too." Edd was standing next to Matt. I have no idea how he got here without anybody noticing. A few bruises cowered his left cheek, so it seemed like Eduardo didn't care about hurting his own body if Edd didn't do what he wanted. "Nobody has this things here without telling me about it! I want to use this cool stuff!"

"I built the robot for the army and the lab was also something I had because of the army. They told me to invent weapons and...I did. Then they wanted me to do that in their army", I answered.

"So this was the real reason why you left?", Tom questioned. I nodded.

"What army?", Edd asked Matt, but he only made "Psst!"

"Don't 'psst' me, Matt!"

"Soon I became the leader and a few weeks ago they wanted me to go back here, get my old inventions and betray you", I explained and looked down on the ground.

"So you kept the secret away from us you built weapons under our house?" I nodded again. "I kind of hate you for keeping things secret, Tord. Building weapons under our house...that's fine, I like the idea. But keeping this secret just..."

"Oh come on, Tom. Forgive him", Matt smiled. "You keep things secret, too. I mean, you turn into a giant black and purple monster, the one that attacked Edd and Eduardo and you-" Tom's face turned into a furious expression.

"Didn't I tell you to not say this?! You idiot!", Tom yelled. "I will destroy your face!"

"NOOOO, not the face!"

Edd and me stared at them. I never saw that monster, but I have a idea what they meant. And I knew why it happened...

"So you were the monster?", Edd asked.

"Shit", Tom murmured. "Edd, I can explain this, I-"

"Can you please discuss your problems later?", Eduardo growled. "If you don't I will leave immediately and I'm sure Jon and Mark will leave, too. Right?" I knew this was not the end of us talking about the truth, but I was glad I didn't have to say any more. What would Tom do if he found out he turned into that monster because of me?

"", Jon stuttered. "No..."

"I would rather have my body back than leave now", Mark answered.

Eduardo looked like he wanted to punch them in the face because of these words, but Edd luckily didn't let this happen. "So we are going to fight again like a bunch of idiots or does this thing finally let us swap body without it?", he asked.

The broken crystal started to glow. "Oh, it's doing it the way we want it to happen. Cool." It flashed in our faces and everything turned black, and then white.

"What the-?!" I hadn't passed out. Why? Was that some side effect of the genie not being trapped in it anymore? I looked at my hands and immediately noticed I wore a purple hoodie and a green overcoat. Great.

Eddsworld body swapOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant