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Mark's Pov:

I woke up from a scream. My head hurted and I felt strange. I moanded.

Someone shouted "What the fuck?!" It was Jon's voice. Strange, he never used those words. It was a thing Eduardo did.

"J-jon...?", I mumbled but Jon already ran into the kitchen. He seemed to be furious for some reason. "Jon..." My voice sounded like Eduardo's voice. Why the hell did my voice sound like Eduardo's voice?

I stood up and rubbed my head. What the hell happened? I was so confused.

The best thing to do was to go to the others. I stumbled in the kitchen to see Jon who seized Edd by the collar. It looked hilarious because Jon isn't really strong. "This is clealy your fault!", he yelled.

"It's not my fault, you have stolen the amulet.", Edd replied. I wondered what he was doing in our house but that wasn't that important in this moment.

I wanted to ask them what was wrong. "What is happen-"

"YOU!!!", Jon shouted and ran to me. He still had Edd's collar in his hands but he didn't care. Edd tried to breath but he couldn't. "L-let me go..."

"Stop it or you'll kill him!", Matt screamed.

I pushed Jon out of the way so he fell to the ground and Edd could breath again. "Are you alright?", I asked him. I knew he wasn't Eduardo's or my friend but I didn't want him to be dead.

"Y-yeah. I still didn't get used to this body.", he answered.

"What do you mean?", I wanted to know. He just pointed to the others. My eyes dilated when I turned around. "Is that...me? But...how?"

'Jon' pulled himself together. I didn't know anymore if he was really Jon. If I wasn't me that could mean he was someone else, too. "I want to know this, too.", he growled.

Matt sighed. "Jon is in Mark's body, Mark is in Eduardo's and-"

"I am what?!"

Matt just rolled with his eyes and gave me his mirror so I could see my face. He was...right. I looked into Eduardo's face instead of mine. I stared speechless in the mirror. How was that possible?

"Well, like you can see, Eduardo is in Jon's body. Can we have the mirror back?", Tom asked us.

"You guys aren't acting normal.", the real Eduardo said and glared at me. He was really angry because I pushed him away. I regret it because he would kill me later. Good thing I was in his body right now. He couldn't hurt me because it was his.

"That's right. We swapped bodies, too.", Tom explained. "The amulet makes that people swap bodies."

"Matt! We didn't want to tell them!", 'Matt' shouted.

"This was a stupid idea.", the man in the red hoodie commented. I remembered him. He was a boy we met in primary school. I think his name was Tord.

"Well, I am actually Tord.", 'Edd' told us. "Edd is Matt, Matt is in Tom's body and Tom is me."

The real Edd seemed to be angry about it. "Tord! Why did we tried to act like each other if we tell them now?"

"It was your idea, not ours.", Tord replied. "And your stupid fights don't matter."

"So you swapped bodies, too?", Jon asked them.

"That's hilarious.", Eduardo laughed.

"We're all in the same boot, so it would be good if we help each other.", Tord hissed. "Stop acting like children who didn't learn how to help each other. We need their help." He sighed.

Eduardo rolled with his eyes. "Who are you? My babysitter?", he growled."I won't be here for a while." He walked out of the room.

"Eduardo! What do you mean?", Jon wanted to know.

"I refuse! I won't work together with those losers! I don't care if I am not in my body, I won't help them!" We heard that he slammed the front door.

"Fantastic.", Tom mumbled. "Now he's gone." He turned around to Tord. "Well done, commie."

"Don't worry, he will come back soon.", I said to Edd. "He pretends he don't care but he does."

He inhaled. "We will try to find a way to swap our bodies back. You will wait for Eduardo."

The four men took the amulet and left our house. Tom mumbled something about Eduardo being an asshole and Tord were really angry about the whole body swap thing.

"Good luck!", I shouted when they went out but I wished I wouldn't have. Those were our neighbours, the people Eduardo hated. It was a bad idea to be nice to them.

"I hope Eduardo will really come back soon.", Jon said quitely.

"Yeah, I hope it, too.", I answered. "And I hope they will find a way to sap bodies back or else..." I sighed. "Or else we will be stuck like this forever."

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