Chapter 10- Is that who I think it is?

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    "Levi? Levi! No!" I screamed. He may have tried to kidnap and hurt us, but for some reason I couldn't help but think I had to help him in some way.

    I jumped for the chain that connected to the wall. Gripping my hand around the part closest to the wall. I thought of everything in the world that made me mad or upset. Ben leaving, David possibly dying; everything.

    My blood was boiling. I was so mad I felt like I could kill anyone or anything at anytime. Then, just was I was about to scream, I pulled the chain.


    The chain ripped off of the wall and Levi fell on his stomach in a heap of coughs and sputters. Blood was boiling up out of his mouth, but he was breathing.

    I walked over to him and untangled the chain from his neck.

    "Why?" He managed to say out of the ruckus.

    "Why what." I said without trying to add any niceness in my voice, but for some reason it came out as soft as possible.

    "Why did you help me?"

    "Help you? HA! I saved your butt and you know it," I did save his butt. Didn't I?

    "Nope. You only helped me. I could have saved myself," He said it with such pride in his voice, that it was to much pride to believe.


    He got up off of the floor and grabbed my arm; dragging me across the floor to a wall.

    "Ouch! Seriously?!" A pain was shooting up and down my arm. No, it wasn't a heart attack. But something... Unusual, "I saved you and now your hurting me? Guess I should have let the chains crush the life out of you!"

    I looked up and saw a look of pain and regret in his eyes; but he continued to the wall, where there was a hand scanner. He pressed his hand up against it and a bright green light scanned up and down his hand, then the wall lifted up; hurting my sensitive eyes.

   He lifted me to my feet and made me walk up six flights of stairs.

    We walked into a big room. It looked like a ballroom. In the back of the room stood eight lycans, in werewolf form. They were in all fours, and growling, deep in their throats.

    They were guarding someone- who hurt me. Someone who- abandoned me. Someone who- I'd forgotten until this day.

    "Hello Jenna." Said a cold, evil, voice. One that a hated from this day on-


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