The girl also widened her eyes and her jaw dropped. "He must be an athlete." She exclaimed in disbelieve.

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows at her remark. "Athlete my ass." Jimin replied.

"Park Jimin, language." She warmed as Jimin just huffed and puffed his peach cheeks.

"Are you crazy? Why did you kiss him?!" Jimin asked angrily, he shoved his sleeve on her lips as if trying to wipe the germs away.

"Pfth— Stop!" She protested.

"I was trying to save you! If I didn't kiss him, he wouldn't stop." She defended.

"That's so stupid." Jimin replied, crossing his arms over his chest.

Y/N rolled her eyes and heard someone gasped nearby. She then fixed her eyes on another stranger boy who was sitting on the ground beside them.

She offered her hand, "Hey? Are you alright?" She asked as the latter just nodded.

"You're so awesome!" The boy said and took her hand, stood up and patted his dirty pants.

"No one can stop Namjoon-hyung! Not even his parent. And you did it! With just a kiss!" He exclaimed making the girl blushed hard when she remembered the kiss.

"Ew." Jimin scrunched his face in disgust.

"Why would she kissed his dirty cheek anyway." Jimin sassed making Taehyung glared him.

"what?!" Jimin raised his head challenging the brunette.

"I'm not afraid of you." He said.

"Jimin, Stop!" The girl warned.

"Sorry, please just ignore him. He used to be rude, so I apologize on her behalf." She smiled.

"Anyway, my name is Kim Taehyung!" He introduced happily, his mouth shaped like a rectangle.

"My name is Yeon Y/N, and this is my friend, Park Jimin."

"Nice to meet you!" He shook her hand.

"Bla Bla Bla." Jimin still mocking in the background.

"Oh no, I got to go. My mommy would be angry if she found out I'm late going home again. See you later, Y/N! And shortie." He whispered the last part but Jimin still could hear him.

"That idiot looking monkey!" Jimin yelled as the girl just shook her head frustratedly. She glared at Jimin and lent her sweater.

"You're all wet. Let's go home before you get sick or your mom will be angry." She said while hugging him fondly by his shoulder. She helped him walk with so much care. Making Jimin forgot all the pain he had felt earlier, feeling the warmth spread to the whole of his body.

"Thanks." The smaller mumbled with his pink-tinted face.

They both walked side by side back to their home. While Jimin was enjoying their quality time, Y/N's mind was wandering back over Namjoon.

His purple eyes were so pretty.

"Kim Namjoon! Where were you?!" His father yelled as he saw his son entered with mud all over his shoes and a pair of wet clothes.

"Hey answer me!" His father yelled again but Namjoon kept ignoring the older. He was a giggling mess. He couldn't remove the scene where the girl had kissed him. That beautiful moment just kept on replaying inside his small head.

He smiled to himself while his father eyeing him weirdly. He took his shoes off and walked up while bouncing happily upstairs.

"What's going on?" Mrs. Kim peeked her head from the kitchen.

"I don't know. Nan molla." Mr. Kim sighed in defeat.

"Namjoon! Get a bath quickly because we will have a guest soon!" He yelled from the downstairs.

"Remember! Don't miss it like before or else you'll regret!" Mr. Kim said but receiving no response from his son.

"Regret what?" Mrs. Kim asked curiously.

"Well, regretting not to meet the girl he crushed on." Mr. Kim giggled.

"Wait...  Why didn't I know any of this?" Mrs. Kim cocked her eyebrow while untying her apron.

"Explain, now." She said in a demanding tone.

"Woah, woah, chill. Well, long story being short." Her husband said.

"I think our son is falling in love.
Isn't that a good news?"


Ps: now you know why Jimin unconsciously hate Namjoon right?

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