📃: LXI

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omg 30k I love y'all so so much!And your funny comments from the latest page, made my day 💕

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omg 30k I love y'all so so much!
And your funny comments from the latest page, made my day 💕


"Damnit!" The girl groaned on her way back to her dorm. She rolled up her sleeve with mouth slightly agape, surprised at how her wrists were now covered with red rashes. Her allergy reaction was getting worse.

She scratched her back neck as well, not forgetting her waist too. Damnit, it's itchy everywhere, everywhere where Namjoon had touched.

It was already late and her eyes lit up once she saw a small store with the light still on. She quickly jogged to that small pharmacy across the street.

She was not hanging around dogs or anything that could trigger her allergy reaction. So why? She continued to scratch her body and left a small red mark everywhere. Her mind running back to Namjoon. Yes, it may sound illogical but her allergic seemed to be getting worse when she was around that boy.

Once she arrived in front of the store, she pushed the glasses door along followed by the sound of a bell hanging on top of it.

She entered and saw an old lady sitting nearby the counter while a younger woman stood behind it. "May I help you?" The younger woman asked.

"Could you please give me something to treat this?" She showed her rashes skin.

"Harsh allergy huh? Don't worry, I'll give you some incidal and it will work like magic." The girl simply nodded. The younger pharmacist went inside to grab her medicine, leaving the girl alone with an older lady who couldn't even stop her eagle gaze on the hoodie girl.

"If you stop denying your feeling. Your pain will be lessened." The white-haired who sat beside the counter suddenly mumbled. Her black orbs stared deeply through the younger girl, making her back running cold with a shiver.

Y/N turned to her side, facing the halmeoni (grandma in Korean) and pointing finger at herself.

"Are you talking to me, halmeoni?" She tilted her head confusedly.

"Do you believe in love?" She suddenly asked. Wait, why did it sound so familiar? She got caught in a dejavú.

(A/N: Check out my first chapter, I major edited it to add more plot to this story.)

"Do you believe in destiny?" The old grandmother continued to ask.

"If you just accept your love and fate. Your sickness will vanish right away."

Wolf Allergic ✔ | Kim Namjoon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now