Spencer Reid- Common Sense (h)

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You weren't exactly known for having the best common sense at times – you tended to act before you thought and that didn't always have the best outcome.

Luckily your boyfriend had gotten used to your actions, and at times he knew what you were about to do even before you did so he could prevent the worst outcome.

Your best friend from back home had come to visit for the weekend; when you had gotten the job at the BAU, you'd moved away from home so whenever you could you'd try to get your friends to visit.

Everyone back home knew that when you and your best friend were together, it was usually some sort of recipe for disaster and you'd either have to be wrapped in bubble wrap or left to your own devices.

Spencer had gone out for a food shop meaning you and your friend were left in the house by yourselves, so as any adult would want to do – you decided to build a fort for a movie night.

It took the both of you over an hour to collect everything you wanted and then to start assembling it.

Luckily enough, you and Spencer had a rather large living room so there was enough room for what you were planning.

Just as you were standing on a rather precarious stool to hang the blanket in a canopy, Spencer walked in and ran to catch you as the stool toppled over.

Your friend was laughing their head off to the side as Spencer held you in his arms whilst staring at you in disbelief.

"Were you dropped on your head?" your boyfriend quizzed as he went to set you down on your feet.


He sighed. "As a child Love," he stated. "Because you and your common sense just do not get along – I always seem to walk in on you doing something very idiotic."

"I was only trying to hang the blanket."

"On the wobbliest of stools, we have in the whole house Love."

You smiled at him as your friend finally calmed down from laughing.

Spencer walked through to the kitchen, so you left your friend to finish setting up the fort, and you followed Spencer to the kitchen.

"You're not mad at me, are you?"

Confusion crossed Spencer's face as he shook his head. "Of course, not Love, I just worry about you when your common sense doesn't click."

"At work it does, you know that."

He smiled as he pulled you into a hug. "I know Love, I'm just glad I was there to stop you from falling."

The two of you stood there in the hug for a few moments – which was quite a habit for you both, as you often just stood in a hug for a while as it was comforting.

Spencer pulled away to press a kiss to your forehead.

"Will you watch movies with us in our blanket fort tonight?"

He chuckled, kissing you properly before pulling back and smiling at you. "There's nothing else I'd rather do with my evening my love."


Written by Hannah.

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