David Rossi - Spaghetti (h)

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You and David had been together for a year or so, and it was going pretty well. It was definitely hard because of his job, and he would just disappear on a case but you knew he was doing what he loved as well as helping people, which meant you were just unbelievably proud of him.

Joy and Shawn were going out of town for the weekend, and with David being due back that night, they had asked if the two of you could look after Kai.

Kai was adorable, he was the best little guy ever and you loved him. You definitely wouldn't turn down looking after him for a couple of nights, and David would be overjoyed to come home to his grandson running over to him.

Joy and Shawn had dropped Kai off around half an hour ago now, and David would be back in a little over ten minutes.

"Kai" you called out to the little six-year-old on the couch.

He turned around, from watching tv, and smiled at you "Yeah Y/N?" he asked as you walked over to stand by him.

"Do you want to make Grandad some dinner?" you asked, crouching down to be his level on the couch.

Kai didn't answer you, but instead he jumped up off of the couch and ran towards the kitchen. You quickly followed him, and then got a chair so that Kai could stand on it in order to be taller than the kitchen counter.

You grabbed a small apron for Kai, and gave it to him to put it on whilst you placed your own over your head "Y/N, can you tie it please?" Kai motioned to the ribbons at the back of his apron when he spoke.

You nodded, tying the ribbons into a secure bow so that the apron wouldn't come undone.

Standing at the counter, you glanced down at Kai "Now, what do you want to make Grandad?" you inquired the little boy.

Kai tapped his finger on his chin, "Spaghetti!!" he announced with his adorable smile across his face.

You smiled at Kai's words, he was like David in so many different ways and spaghetti was pretty simple to make.

Whilst Kai was focusing on breaking up the spaghetti to be small enough to fit in the saucepan, you heard the front door open and then shut.

"AMORE" David called throughout the house, and Kai looked at you with an excited look on his face. With swift movements you helped him down off of the chair, and Kai took off running towards where David was walking into the kitchen.

David's smile grew as he picked Kai up in his arms "Hi Piccolo*" he said to his grandson, ruffling his hair a little.

David walked over to you, and kissed you quickly before putting Kai back onto the chair "We're making you dinner Grandad" Kai told him, as he pointed to the saucepan that you had added the spaghetti to.

"It looks great already" David sounded pretty happy whilst he spoke.

He never really let on all the time, but he was at his happiest when with you at home - Kai being there made it that more special.

*Little one


Written by Hannah.

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