Spencer Reid- Addiction (c)

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You clung to Spencer as he helped you hobble out of the basement, when the latest Un-Sub had dragged you, after a blitz attack a few hours earlier. Everywhere hurt and you felt weak. JJ and Hotch were with the Un-Sub currently, whilst the rest of the team weren't at the scene yet.

Luckily the team were prepared and an ambulance was waiting outside the dark dismal house. As soon as the paramedic saw you, he ran towards you, helping Spencer get you into the back of the ambulance lying on the trolley. Spencer alerted Hotch, to tell him that they were taking you to hospital, even if you didn't particularly want to go but you begged Spencer to come with you.

As the ambulance began to drive, the paramedic began to try to treat you.

"I'm going to give you some morphine, Agent Y/L/N," he stated.

"I don't want any morphine, and it's Y/N," you groaned trying to shift on the trolley, but everything hurt too much.

"You seem to be in a lot of pain Y/N," he questioned.

"I'm fine, just do whatever you need to do, no pain meds though," you groaned.

He sighed. Spencer went to make some smart remark but you glared at him, making him slouch in his seat.

Soon enough you were being wheeled into the hospital and medical terms were being thrown around. It was probably from your head ache, but you weren't following what anyone was saying, you just wanted to be sorted and to get back home.

The doctors treated you, nothing was too serious, a concussion and a few broken bones, but mostly it was just superficial injuries. Once you were sorted, they wanted to keep you in for a while, so allowed Spencer into the room with you.

"Hey Spence," you smiled awkwardly.

"Are you alright?" he questioned.

"It just hurts, but I'll heal. I think I might sit out the next case though, sit in with Garcia for a little while, until everything's fixed properly," you shrugged.

"Why didn't you want anything to sort out the pain then?" he asked softly, clearly concerned.

You let out a soft sigh.

"I've never told anyone this before. Obviously some people knew about it, but since I've been clean, I never felt the need nor desire to tell anyone about it," you explained, lifting up your sleeve, so he could see the inside of your elbow, which still showed marks from where you had injected yourself.

He frowned softly, lightly running his fingers over the marks. It made you feel a bit self-conscious but it felt good to finally tell someone.

"You were an addict?" he questioned.

"I am an addict Spence. I haven't injected myself or taken any form of heroin or any other drug since then, but I will forever be an addict. The cravings tell me that. And if I had morphine, I could very easily go back to how I used to be, and I don't want that" you smiled softly.

"You could have told me Y/N/N, I would and never will judge you, none of us will. We've all done stupid things, we've all done things we regret, you know about my drug issue, and the rest of the team may not have the same issues but they've experienced their own problems," he said reassuringly.

"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you," you practically whispered.

He smiled softly pulling you into a light hug as to not hurt you.




This was requested by Dragon-slayer343. I hope you like it.

If you have any requests then PM me or comment below.

Thank you.


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