"I love you. I will not leave you," Xue Ge declared to his face.

"but you love Jennifer," Matt said.

"He loves us both," Jennifer said, "You're feeling defeated and demoralised because you know he loves me. But what you didn't know is that he loves you too."

Matt slowly looked at Jenn, then at Xue Ge. "you both have a lot of explaining to do."


Xue Ge and Jennifer sat on the bed, kneeling on the bed in Japanese 'seiza' stance. Bolin and Chee Yok had been banished to the living room.

Matt was pacing in the small space of the room. "so to summarise. Xue Ge actually likes both me and Jennifer. more than friends."

"Yes," Xue Ge responded.

"Jennifer used to like me as well," Matthias said.

"Yes," Jennifer responded.

"Xue Ge. in order to not make anyone unhappy and preserve our friendship you decided to only stay as friends with both of us. even though both of us like you," Matt said.

"Yes," Xue Ge responded.

"Jennifer. you felt down after giving up on me. and then you felt insecure when Xue Ge spent so much time with me and i made a move on him. the thought of losing us both was devastating," Matt said.

"Yes," Jennifer responded.

"so Xue Ge kissed Jennifer so she wouldn't feel so left out."

"Yes," Xue Ge responded.

"so i have to ask. why wasn't i privy to any of this information."

Matt's question was met with silence. Xue Ge and Jennifer glared at the floor.

Matt continued, "both of you decided to make decisions for me without my input. like everyone else." Matt's voice was as neutral as ever, but the two felt the weight of every word.

"No, we... well, yes. Yes, we did," Jenn admitted.

Xue Ge knelt over in a kow-tow. "We're very sorry. Please forgive us."


Bolin looked up, concerned. "I think I hear Matt shouting. Will they really be okay?"

Bolin and Chee Yok were sitting at the living room table.

Chee Yok sat propping up his chin on arm. "Yes, they'll be fine. They love each other too much to stay mad at each other for long. Especially in this crisis."

"Oh. I see."

"Yes. That's how it is," Chee Yok confirmed.

They waited some more.

"We don't have a chance, do we?" Bolin asked.

Chee Yok sighed. "Not really, no."


The three were huddled together on the bed, Matt in the middle. Matt held the teddy rabbit in his hands. Jennifer had MrBearyBear. Xue Ge had a pillow.

Matt hugged the teddy rabbit tightly. "we love each other, more than friends normally do. we could have stayed as friends, but then we got stuck in this crisis."

Jenn hugged MrBearyBear tightly. "This crisis has pushed us together and brought us closer. But we've also been forced to confront our true feelings and couldn't hide it from each other anymore. We're in danger of breaking apart on each other's hope and wishes."

Xue Ge dropped his pillow and hugged them both tightly. "No. Cannot. I won't allow."

Jenn and Matt hugged him back.

"We won't," Jenn said, "Let's make a promise to each other. No matter what happens, we have to be good friends to each other. And do everything we can to support each other. No secrets. Always talk things out. Never keep one of us in the dark."

Xue Ge prompted them to sit in a circle, and stacked up their right hands together. The three shouted together, "Best friends forever!"

"maybe stay off being lovers for now. at least until this crisis is over," Matt said.

"See? My plan the best. Last last also use my plan." Xue Ge gave himself a thumbs up. The other two laughed and snorted.

"i'll give you that one for now. just please. no more talk of quitting school."

"We'll find another way. The three of us can do anything together," Jenn said.

Xue Ge nodded. "Mmm!"

"maybe we are just delaying the inevitable. but every day we delay is another day we have together."

"Delay until forever if can!" Xue Ge said.

"And be good to each other while we still can," Jennifer said.

"in that case can Xue Ge sleep on the bed with me again," Matt said.

"No," Xue Ge & Jenn said together.

"how about if it's the three of us on the bed."



Moments later,

Matt opened the room door. "we're done guys. thanks for waiting."

Bolin and Chee Yok moved in and took hold of Xue Ge. "But we're not. Xue Ge. We would have words with you," Chee Yok said.

"Er... why ar?" Xue Ge asked, but they ignored him and led him out.

They didn't bother to close the door on their way, so Jennifer and Matt got up to the door to listen in on the conversation.

Bolin's voice: "You must have them both ah? Really?"

Chee Yok's voice: "Seriously, how much of a jerk can you be?"

Xue Ge's voice: "No, no. We're just good friends to each other now. Neither of them are mine."

Bolin's voice: "Really or not?"

Chee Yok's voice: "So does that mean I'm free to pursue Jenn, and Bolin can pursue Matt?"

A pause.

Xue Ge's voice: "...No."

Bolin's voice: "Chee Yok. You hold his arms back. I want punish him."

Chee Yok's voice: "Hey, I want to punish him too!"

Xue Ge's voice: "You boys think you can beat me? You got another thing coming... woi, WOI! That's cheating!"

Chee Yok's voice: "Come and eat your punishment you greedy pig!"

Bolin's voice: "You want to eat? Eat this! And- ack!"

Xue Ge's voice: "How do you like it? Syiok or not? ...Stop that. Oi! Stop!"

From behind the door, Matthias asked Jennifer, "shouldn't we stop them."

"Probably. But I don't feel like it. Do you?" Jennifer replied.

"i was rather hoping you'd break them up so i don't have to. i'm resisting the curious urge to slap them all. it's very peculiar urge."

"Welcome to my world, Matt. Welcome to my world."

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