Chapter 7 Musical Chairs

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"Matt. You help me 'kau lui' Jenn, can ah?" Xue Ge asked.

Xue Ge was whispering to Matthias between periods. Matt had just come back from arranging the chalk and blackboard duster.

"what does that mean," Matt said, not whispering.

Out in front, Jennifer immediately looked back at them.

"Niú!" Xue Ge quickly said, "Cow is niú in Mandarin. Say after me. Niú ..."

"ne-ow," Matt tried.

"No-no, say niú. (Matt: 'neyau.') Listen. Niú (Matt: 'nee-oh')... ah! Say faster. (Matt: 'nee-oh') Can lah. Pass."

Jennifer shook her head and led the class in greeting the next teacher.


Later in class.

"Matt. You help me seduce Jenn, can ah? Talk soft soft," Xue Ge whispered.

Matt leaned in. "i don't think that's appropriate Xue Ge. are you sure you got the right word."

"No meh? I look dictionary wor."

"seduce is a pretty strong word to use. we'll have to go over some synonyms in English tutoring today with Jenn."

Xue Ge shook his head. "No-no-no, no in front of Jennifer. Now you teach me lah."

"how can i tell you the right word wait i think i can guess. you want me to help you date Jennifer."

"Uh... Can lah. Help me date Jennifer."

"so how can i help you date her. it's not really something i have experience with," Matt said.

"You say good things about me lah," Xue Ge offered.

"like what."

"Say I strong. Cool," Xue Ge suggested.

"even i know those points don't really impress her much," Matt said.

"Haiya, say I... I..." Xue Ge was kind of stuck. "Aiyo! I really got no good points ah?"

"actually maybe i can think of something. you're a good friend to me."

Xue Ge shook his head slightly. "Aiya, which girl like that? Must show skill mah. Then only man."

"maybe if you get good grades," Matt said.

"Aiya, impossible wan!"

"but i'm teaching you."

Xue Ge shook his head again. "You teach good also cannot. I know wan."

"we'll see. in the meantime how about trying to get good at volleyball."

Now this was something Xue Ge could get behind. "Aha! Matt, sometimes you have good idea!"

"only sometimes."

Teacher Halimah was at the door. So Jenn commanded, "All stand! Greet!"


Xue Ge and Matt had been called to the teacher's desk while the other students did independent work.

"Xue Ge, did you really do this homework yourself?" Teacher Halimah asked.

"Yes... eh, no! Matt helped me. You knew he was going to help me right?" Xue Ge said.

"I'm concerned how much help was involved. Matt, did you let Xue Ge do some of it himself or did you just let him copy your work?"

"i taught him how to do it then let him try. i did make sure he got it all correct though," Matt said.

"Oh, no wonder he did so well. But now I don't know how well he understands, Matt."

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