50 unfair equation

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Once upon a time and without further ado I was treated poorly by a person I called best friend; the person -whom Honored me with fulfillment to the point I genuinely offered my vulnerability- decided to screw me with
Dictatorial manners .

Out of kindness i made the decision to keep it to myself
But how is it called kindness when I'm not even kind to me
I look back ... reflect
What did I do to deserve jealousy
You -egotistical- acted
Acted as if you know it all
like you're perfect like a hypocrite like a Pharisee.
It's small gestures combined that caused me tragedy
Then little by little i developed anxiety
And I kept my mouth shut out of piety
Every time it hurts the image of him getting hit knocks more sense in me
He was hurt for couple primary reasons
for his Glory firstly
And The second is for me to know that I'm love worthy
I deserve democracy
But on the other hand he's given me some of his ache pain and injury.
What did I do to deserve this badge of honor saying "I'm guarded by the Diety"

It took me time to understand the idea of the cross but the moment I recognized it
His presence washed my insobriety
Awakened me to logic
Answered my
" why did that happened to me"

But it's a test I should pass with patience
The more patient the more achieving the more egos get smashed with my obedience
A message from me to you my brothers and sisters in Christ
Let your vocation
Be a motivation
For all those whom are filled with hesitation
in the name of baby Jesus you can change each and every situation
With perfect moral education
With planting the seeds of his words as it's a « sacred heart « dedication
He's the prince of peace
And when they failed to hide his glory
They tried shading his inspiration
But they forgot that he's the king of all kings
And the owner of the creation
He gave a heart to the hurting and sustained the broken generation
Little do you know how powerful his grace was over every temptation?
As his presence took over every sensation
Made the love of him a free will then a beloved determination
Don't convince me that any wealth in the world can buy such relation
and lastly what can I say more
What is there to be done
This is Jesus
Christ on the cross
Rising from the dead
Rising above all expectations.

THE BIG LITTLE BOOKTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon