Chapter 35

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  I passed out later, falling asleep. While I was dreaming a searing fear rose through me. What could they be doing? I bolted awake. My sprained arm screamed as pain budded through it. I winced and laid back, not noticing Alex until he ran over to my side.

"You alright?" He looked genuinely worried. I nodded, not wanting to say anything in case a scream came rumbling through my throat.

"Can you talk to me?"


"I-" I stopped. That was enough talking. For some reason my voice wouldn't work, most likely in fear. The word I said scratched my throat, probably so it bled. Why did I feel so weird?

"Evan, talk."

"I-" I couldn't say anything else, it hurt too much. Tears started to trickle down my cheeks. What would happen to me? I was terrified. "I." My words were choppy. "Can-'t." I was fully panicking now. Hyperventilating,

Alex brushed the tears off my cheeks. "Hey, it's okay, there's no need for tears, you're okay- just a problem with the medication, alright?"

"I- want-" Every word pierced my throat, gripped it hard and tore it off. "To- go-"

"I know, we will, trust me, we will after we get you fixed."

"How-" I coughed, pain searing through my neck. I grabbed Alex's hand tightly. "Long?" I finished.

He rubbed my hand in calming circles. "Until this wears off, at most two hours, but I'll be with you, alright? It'll be okay. The more you strain your voice, the more it hurts, keep that in mind." He said.

"I'm- Sorry- my-" I stopped. My eyes widened. "I- Can-'t breathe." I said in a panic.

"Alright, It's, it's okay." I saw Alex Click a button on the wall. "Unfortunately it's normal. Don't panic, it only makes it worse." But I couldn't stop. Alex squeezed my hand lightly. "It'll be okay alright? You just gotta calm down until this passes. We're getting you an oxygen mask," an oxygen mask. I thought with dread and terror. That obviously means it's serious.

"No," I said quickly, before Alex could say any more. "I don't- want that..." along with the choppy words my voice was quivering.

"I know it seems scary but it's actually not, you get to choose fun flavors and it also calms you down."

"But," I couldn't say anymore because Ethan walked in

"Alright Evan, cherry or chocolate?"

I shrugged. I didn't like the idea that whatever I had was so bad it needed something as serious as that.


"Su-re." I coughed quietly.

"Alright. When this goes on, I need you to take a deep breath in and out, and continue. It should calm you down and make it easier to breath." He said. It was amazing how calm Ethan was.

As he hooked the thing up to my head, Alex held my hand and smiled. "It'll be okay," he whispered comforting thoughts. 

So Many Doctors, So Many FearsWhere stories live. Discover now