Chapter 12

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 I ran.

I ran as fast as my legs could take me, as fast as I could go, but having just collapsed on the ground and being in a busy hospital was making it harder. I panted, darting passed everyone. Once I finally got outside, I wondered. Why did I run? The answer was so obvious it seemed foolish. I was scared. I walked over to a bench and collapsed, resting my head in my hands. 

I knew Alex would find me in a matter of seconds and probably be really mad, but, I was terrified. When I finally heard footsteps I knew it was Alex. I didn't even have to look up, I felt his hands rubbing circles on my back in an attempt to calm me. I cried into my hands. "I'm sorry." I sobbed. It was silent for a moment until Alex pulled my hands away from my face. 

"Sorry about what?" He asked. 

I just cried again. 

"Evan, why do you think you're mom is dating me?" I looked back up at Alex, then shrugged. "Well, there's two reasons, one is, she likes me, I'm not trying to be selfish or anything but she really likes how I act," I turned my head away from Alex. "And because of you," I closed my eyes tightly when he said that, trying to shut his voice out. "She wanted you to get over your fear because she cares about you Evan, she thought I could help, and I'm doing the best I can." I still didn't look at him. "at least tell me why you have PTSD against doctors, why are you so scared?" 



"Get him an I.V. we want to make sure he's hooked up." A stabbing pain. "Now let's pop his ankle and knee back in place." A crack and searing, throbbing, aching pain. "uh," A voice said. "What is it, Lou?" "We may have a problem," "Lou what did you do I swear!" black dots everywhere. "I may have...broke a chain of bones." blurred vision, searing pain, "God damn it, Lou, what the fuck did you do?" and darkness. 


"I...was in a car wreck when I was young and..." My voice faltered. 

"You were in the ten car wreck," Alex said, awed. I just nodded, not trusting myself to say more. That's how my dad died and my mom was cursed with permanent brain damage. "but, I don't get it, how were you scared of doctors?" 

"Well, it-my dad didn't survive hurt, a lot."

"Evan I get it, but you have to trust me, this is the only way we're going to be able to live for these weeks, at least come back in," Alex said. I nodded slowly and got up. whipping tears from my eyes. We walked slowly back into the hospital and my worries started all over again. 

"So, I have a few more patients to check on-"

"Wait," I interrupted, "I thought you said I was 'almost done.'" 

"Well, because you blacked out, I thought it would be better if we did it on another day, where you weren't so stressed when you get more used to me." I nodded. "But now I have some patients, you can hang out with Ethan, take a nap, whatever you want, but we'll get home earlier tonight, I promise." 


Again Shout out to HibariKyoko and BrookiBear28 for following (and I guess AmberWings1 too ;)) You guys all mean so much to me (all of my followers really) and I can't stress how much I appreciate you guys, without you, my writing would be for nothing. 

if you were not mentioned please make sure to follow these people as well as me because they have helped me so much and are so amazing,



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