Chapter 16

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"Evan?" A voice asked as I opened the door to the office carefully. There were only a few people there and Ethan was at the front desk. "What did you just come back from Kiddo?" He asked. I shrugged, not really wanting to open my mouth in case I screamed in pain from my arm. London didn't think it was broken, but I didn't know.

Ethan must have seen that I was holding my arm carefully and called Alex, who, surprisingly came quickly through the hallway. "How was it, Ev?" He asked. I didn't want to answer but I also didn't want him to find out about my arm, so I sent Ethan a quick glance that I hoped meant 'be quiet.' but Ethan certainly wasn't quiet, he shook his head softly and gave me an apologetic smile.

"He looks like he fell down or something, you should probably check him out," Ethan said, betraying me.

Alex looked at me, looked at my arm, then nodded for me to come back to the rooms. I reluctantly followed.

I complained the whole way back. "Alex it wasn't...that bad, I only fell a little." He smiled at me.

"I know you may think it's not bad Ev, but I just want to double check." He led me into a room with black walls and sea green cabinets. "Here, let me see," I hesitated, but I soon took my hand out. It was covered in blood. The second I took it off the blood from my elbow dripped down to the floor. I panicked.

"I'm really sorry Al-"

"Don't be, now let's get you cleaned up. He washed my bloody hand and then got something out of a cabinet. "This'll be cold and it may sting a little, but we need to make sure we stop the blood from falling and that you don't get an infection." He said, handing me a wipe. I held it on my elbow, wincing at first. "There you go, now," He opened a drawer, revealing medical tape. "Are you okay if I tape this on?" I nodded, watching as he did so. I winced at the pain but it wasn't as bad as it was when I had gotten it. "Now, come sit up here," Alex said, patting the table. I was scared, but I jumped on there, careful not to hurt my bleeding arm. There were two thick curtains on the end of each side of the table and Alex told me to lie still. I did as I was told as he closed the curtains and went outside.

When what I guessed was the x-ray was done, Alex came back inside, opening the curtains. "It'll print in a little while but for now, come with me." And I did. I followed him out of the room and into another room. "Does the bone or muscle of your arm hurt at all?" Alex asked me. I shrugged, it did hurt, but I didn't want him to know. Alex then grabbed my forearm gently and started straightening and bending it. I bit my lip to hold in my silent screams. Alex looked up at me. "Evan I need you to tell me if it hurts," It was at this time when Ethan came into the room holding papers.

"It's not broken,"


I was so relieved I thought I would faint from it, but instead, I just held a straight face. It didn't stay straight for long when Alex opened my arm again. I yelped back in surprise and winced in pain, pulling my arm away from him. "I'm sorry Evan. I won't touch your arm again-I promise, but can I just see it?" I hesitated some.

"Alex knows what he's doing Kiddo, he can help you," Ethan spoke after a long silence. I let him see my arm, which was swollen, and bruised. He looked at it some, keeping his promise of not touching it, then stood up.

"It's not broken, but definitely sprained." He said. I groaned. "But it's fine, I promise it'll be fine, I'll get a special ice wrap and a thin brace along with some more things, don't worry Evan, I got this," He said, smiling and racing off.


When Alex was gone Ethan rose up to join me on the table. "How did you get that?" he asked, looking and pointing at the wipe.

So Many Doctors, So Many FearsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon